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Product Update Bulletin 11/28/12

  • 28 November 2012
  • 1 reply

PRODUCT UPDATE BULLETIN 13 – November 28th 2012 


We are always looking at ways to improve the convenience and ease of use of the Webroot SecureAnywhere Management Console. The changes being introduced this week are all designed to further those aims.



  • Reactivate Deactivated Endpoints – There is a new 'Reactivate' button in the toolbar within the 'Deactivated Endpoints' group, which allows you to restore a deactivated endpoint.

  • Restore Multiple Items from Quarantine – Administrators can now select multiple files and restore them from Quarantine at the same time.

  • Hyperlinked Infection Statistics – Allows immediate access via hyperlink to the infected endpoint(s).

  • Console Switching – Rather than go back to the ‘Home Tab’ to switch management consoles, Administrators can now switch from within the current management console.

  • Improved Report Filtering – All suitable reports now feature filtering by Group or Policy.  This gives you a more granular view of your reports that is customized to contain only the data you're looking for with no extra data to need to parse through.  Additionally, the All Threats and All Undetermined Software reports now have the ability to filter by specific time period.

Reactivate Deactivated Endpoints

  1. The ‘Deactivated Endpoints’ group within 'Group Management' now features a new ‘Reactivate’ button in the toolbar that makes it easy to reactivate deactivated endpoints individually or as a group.


Restore Multiple Items from Quarantine

  1. An administrator can now restore multiple files from quarantine at the same time, rather than individually.


Hyperlinked Infection Statistics

  1. A new hyperlink has been added to the Endpoint Protection panel on the console ‘Home Page’ that allows an administrator to immediately access infected endpoints.


Console Switching

  1. It’s now possible to switch quickly from any tabbed page of the current console to an alternative management console without going back to the ‘Home’ Tab.


Improved Report Filtering

  1. All suitable reports now feature filtering by Group or Policy.  This gives you a more granular view of your reports that is customized to contain only the data you're looking for with no extra data to need to parse through.  Additionally, the All Threats and All Undetermined Software reports now have the ability to filter by specific time period.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +15
Great stuff, thanks for posting!!
