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Product Update Bulletin 6/26/13

  • 20 June 2013
  • 9 replies

PRODUCT UPDATE BULLETIN 16 -  June 20th 2013

A few weeks ago, we introduced Customizable Alerting within the Management Console. We are now working on further feature enhancements on this based upon Community feedback we've received.

In this release we are introducing brand new policy settings specifically for the System Cleaner and Identity Shield functions.  With these new policy settings, we are releasing an updated version of the Agent so these new policies may be used.

  • NEW - Identity Shield for non-Latin Systems - The default setting of this capability is 'OFF.' This allows an Administrator to run the Identity Shield in compatibility mode with non-Latin language based systesm and provide full keylogging protection.
  • NEW - Identity Shield compatibility mode - The default setting of this capability is 'OFF.' This protects the Endpoints with the Identity Shield's core functionality without interfering with another application's functions that the Shield might block.
  • NEW - System Cleaner Local Settings Policy - The System Cleaner local policy settings have now been moved to the central Management Console. The default setting of this new policy is 'ON.'

What happens to my existing policies?

Any existing policies you have created will remain the same. You will need to update your Endpoints to the lastest release before you are able to update your existing policies to incorperate the new settings.

If you have just used the pre-configured or default policies that Webroot provides, then these will be automatically updated to reflect the policy changes above. The same will apply to all the new policies that you create.

Watch out for:

New Data Point additions which will soon be added to the central Management Console to provide further details on these new policy settings.

Refined Reporting data will also be on the way in a future release.


I know I trash-talked system cleaner in the past but now I can manage it this is pretty cool. Nice job dev team.


  • What do you mean by "New Data Point additions"
  • What kind of actions does enabling "Enable Identity Shield compatibility mode" allow other programs to do? If this is going to be in your deep dive it can wait.
  • The PUA issue is something I've hit Webroot over the head with before so I appreciate you coming back to it! I know your blog has also been focusing on the kind of stuff the less reputable PUA can deliver to systems. You mention there is a scan setting for PUA now but I can't find it?

Good questions!


The release notes are actually put together by our technical writing team. @ is probably best-equipped to provide those answers.  Anna, do you happen to know the answers to these questions?  I haven't had a chance to play with the new features myself yet.
I dug around a bit, and I now have the answers to your questions.

1. "New Data Point" additions are still being worked on, so we are not giving away too much in terms of specifics right now since there is still potential for those data points to change. However, at least some of those data points should involve heuristics.

2. The user guide has been updated to explain more about the Identity Shield compatibility mode. It reads as follows:

"Allows certain applications to run that the Identity shield might block during normal operations. You can enable this option if you notice problems with an application's functions after SecureAnywhere was installed on the endpoint. With this compatibility mode enabled, the endpoint is still protected by the Identity shield's core functionality."

3. The PUA scan setting is actually a forthcoming change that didn't make it into this release. That line was supposed to have been removed from the release notes, and we've updated them to properly reflect this.
Good news, thanks!


When may we expect proxy settings to be managed centraly?


// Rikard
Good question. I'll have to check into this for you. I've made a note to inquire with product management at our next meeting, and I'll let you know.
As of agent release, proxy is being determined automatically, so this shouldn't be necessary.
Does that mean that WSA automaticaly will pickup and use the system proxy settings?


// Rikard
Yes Rikardz, that's correct. Are you seeing any behavior that would indicate otherwise? If so, we can take a look.
