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How can I delete my account?

  • 28 July 2015
  • 9 replies

I want out of this community, I want whomever it is in their finite mental capacity, that is continually sending me these insane badge notifications to cease and desist or there will be repercussions. I deleted this crappy program from my computer a long time ago and I want nothing to do with a community which labels my responce ( as vulgar when I used no vulgarity whatsoever, yet the person who slammed my post was not ) to someone calling my posts as shady, underhanded and or hiding something which was NEVER the case. 

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello ?,
We are only Volunteers here and this issue will have to be done by ? or ?. They are the Community Managers here who can accomplish this for you.
Please wait until tomorrow when they come into the Forum in the morning to delete your account as asked.
Sorry to hear about this and sorry you feel this way.
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
All taken care of - we won't annoy you anymore, and you won't have to keep swearing at us Agamemnon 🙂
not sure if you cann help or maybe point me to the right person
i am wanting to delete my community account
Userlevel 7
Badge +63
@ wrote:
not sure if you cann help or maybe point me to the right person
i am wanting to delete my community account
@ or @ can do it for you.
thanks for your reply and help
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
Sent you a private message.
https:///members/freydrew-57051 or https:///members/lliddell-57897 please delete me too. thank you.
Userlevel 7
Badge +48
@DoubleaRON Hate to see anyone leave our community but we will honor this request and will delete your account within the next couple of hours. Thank you.

can someone else delete my account? please there's no delete account option.
