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I recently got on my computer that uses webroot and noticed that two more processes for it show up in task manager (making 6 in total with the ones that would normally run before). These only started up after a few minutes, I was able to run a scan and do a few other things before they popped up. 

The processes seem to be for WRSvcHost, so guess I am asking if these should be running and if anyone else has them currently? I checked other posts on here but only saw them mentioned for beta testing a couple months ago. This was also in refrence to the beta for version .75, the version I’m currently running is .62

I also found mention of the WRSvcHost processes on this page but it is about the buisness version so I assume it is a bit different. Especially since it doesn’t have the same total amount of processes (says there is only 4 as it doesn’t list the two WRSVC). So my questions in the orginal post still stands :thinking:

Hello @tempy 


That is correct there are 6 processes now. They are part of the Evasion Shield and you will see in the UI Foreign Code Shield. More info here: and

Are you a Consumer user or a Business user?


The pictures are from my Consumer System and I’m running the Beta version that hasn’t been released at this time.


Click on pictures to see full size!






Thank you for the reply @TripleHelix

I am a consumer 🙂 and I appreciate the info! I saw you post screenshots of the processes before but wasn’t sure since you said you were a beta tester. So this is something for everyone now?

I can’t confirm as most of us Mods are Volunteers and we don’t get full info like Webroot Staffers. But if your not using the Beta it looks like there releasing the extra code out to users. I’m sure more info will come out in time.


You can use this link to download the installer and run it and do a reboot and you will have v9.0.30.75


This link is for Releases for the Consumer versions:


