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Password Manager ??? Time for this fix to be DONE

Hoping others feel the same way. I have been using Webroot for years and always recommended them. This Password Manager problem has me very much questioning my choices... Not really sure why it has taken so long to fix the problem or at least patch it until a fix could be made. It has cuased alot of problem for me and I dont even have all that many passwords stored there. I read a thread where someone had over 300 passwords stored.. oh my what a nightmare... I am still with there security for a long time as I purchased a long term plan the last time I renewed. My question is should I /we contiune using this after its been fixed. Are they going to compensate us for this problem. Think it would have been nice for them to keep us in the loop via Email what was happening ... End of my rant...

Best answer by Orthodoxguy

I'm still mystified as to why people won't use LastPass. I've been using it for years (Premium) and it has never let me down. It's certainly not expensive and can be used on your mobile devices if you have the premium version. Password managing is all LP does so their product "has to work" unlike Webroot which can put it on the backburner for months.
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  • Popular Voice
  • 31 replies
  • January 25, 2019
It's well past time for this fix to have been done. I have close to half a year left on my sub, and, at this point, I'm thinking it's time to switch again. This issue has gone on well past any point that's at all reasonable. I have never seen a company act the way this one has and remain in business. Webroot is behaving like a company that's getting ready to close its doors.

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  • January 27, 2019
Whilst the frustration is appreciated by many here (I for one) is worth bearing in mind that the Webroot Password Manager, is a licensed version of LastPass and now an old one at that which is probably not high, if even at all, on the LastPass priority list.

So I am guessing that trying to fix this as per any issue would be complicated and that moving the WPM to another platform, even the latest LastPass one, would be time consuming and require a large amount of work (at least this is my experience being in the milieu).

So none of this will be quick, and to be honest I suspect that whilst trying to patch the old version would have been the expedient thing it would not necessarily be the best approach long term. Which is why I am hoping that the long delay means that Webroot are going with the other option of a shiny new Password Manager...hopefully LastPass's latest & greatest.

So I think a little more patience is called for at this time.

Regards, Baldrick

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  • January 27, 2019
I'm still mystified as to why people won't use LastPass. I've been using it for years (Premium) and it has never let me down. It's certainly not expensive and can be used on your mobile devices if you have the premium version. Password managing is all LP does so their product "has to work" unlike Webroot which can put it on the backburner for months.

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  • January 27, 2019
I think that is because until it broke, for some people, Webroot Password Manager worked as well as LastPass, so why pay for something that one is already paying for.

But since it broke I am sure that a number of users will have switched to it will be interesting to see what Webroot come back with in terms of a revised product.

That may well be the tipping point as to whether more abandon the Webroot PM for the likes of LastPass or stick with it.

Regards, Baldrick

  • New Member
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  • February 8, 2019
The lack of communication updates is very frustrating. My support cases for this issue have been going on long enough to build a whole new app.

  • New Voice
  • 39 replies
  • February 11, 2019
It's because it's advertised as being part of what you pay for. It doesn't matter if someone wants to go it alone with a different one.

At this point, it's STILL advertised as being part of this product, and therefore FALSE ADVERTISING. Perhaps reporting it to a consumer protection agency could light a fire under their behinds and GET THIS DONE!

Now, we find out Webroot is being "acquired" by Carbonite. Can we trust that we aren't going to end up being screwed?

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  • February 11, 2019
kevco wrote:
It's because it's advertised as being part of what you pay for. It doesn't matter if someone wants to go it alone with a different one.

Whoa! I feel your frustration but "false advertising?" You can't really be serious. They have a password manager which currently is not working. They're working to remedy the situation. We all have devices and software that have issues preventing them from working as advertised. But that doesn't constitute false advertising. I think we just need to take a long, collective and deep breath and give this acquisition a chance to work out AND be patient regarding the pw mgr. And if you absolutely must have a pw mgr immediately, install the free version of LastPass for the time being.

  • New Voice
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  • February 12, 2019
Orthodoxguy wrote:

kevco wrote:
It's because it's advertised as being part of what you pay for. It doesn't matter if someone wants to go it alone with a different one.

Whoa! I feel your frustration but "false advertising?" You can't really be serious. They have a password manager which currently is not working. They're working to remedy the situation. We all have devices and software that have issues preventing them from working as advertised. But that doesn't constitute false advertising. I think we just need to take a long, collective and deep breath and give this acquisition a chance to work out AND be patient regarding the pw mgr. And if you absolutely must have a pw mgr immediately, install the free version of LastPass for the time being.

It certainly does. If you were a new customer, and you read it, it says password manager comes with it. You'd install it expecting just that (after you paid). Then and only then would you find out it doesn't work. Upon investigation you'd find out it hasn't worked for much, and there has been little news, no updates, and no progress.

How can you defend that?

  • New Member
  • 6 replies
  • February 19, 2019
Yes. IT IS false advertising. Geek Squad recently sold this to me. I used to use Norton and its password manager. I expected Webroot to have a password manager. Worse yet, I tried to initiate use and spent countless hours trying to do so, including a lengthy chat session with Geek Squad. I then found out that it "wasn't me", it's them! Why would you leave a broken product available for use? I really question Geek Squad's choice of this product. Should I really trust their security? I am going to ask Geek Squad for a refund and buy something else.

  • New Voice
  • 39 replies
  • February 19, 2019
Isn't there any way a representative from the company can provide an update? Or, are we just petty customers who are merely at the mercy of the company?

  • New Member
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  • February 19, 2019
Well, since the header for this thread says' "Solved", I guess you have your answer.

  • New Voice
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  • February 19, 2019
Having read this thread from the beginning, I know why it says that. I also note the last response from a company rep.

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  • February 19, 2019
Steph_M wrote:
Yes. IT IS false advertising. Geek Squad recently sold this to me. I used to use Norton and its password manager. I expected Webroot to have a password manager. Worse yet, I tried to initiate use and spent countless hours trying to do so, including a lengthy chat session with Geek Squad. I then found out that it "wasn't me", it's them! Why would you leave a broken product available for use? I really question Geek Squad's choice of this product. Should I really trust their security? I am going to ask Geek Squad for a refund and buy something else.

It is NOT false advertising...I have checked with some colleagues who work in the legal department of a company and I am told that 'false advertising' would be the case if it was stated that there was a Password Manager and there was not one included in the product.

As it happens...there is a Password Manager included in the product; the fact that it does not work is not material in that Webroot are looking to resolve the issue.

Yes, they are taking an inordinate amount of time to do so...and that really is not good. And even worse they have not communicated effectively with their clientele/user base about what is happening/where they are in the fix/resolution process...that also is far from good. But none of this constitutes 'false advertising' as I understand it.

Poor customer relations (and who know what the long term impact of that will be) but for the moment that is all in my humble opinion. And I for one commend @Orthodoxguy when he counsels:

"we just need to take a long, collective and deep breath and give this acquisition a chance to work out AND be patient regarding the pw mgr."

Regards, Baldrick

  • New Member
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  • February 19, 2019
Law is subject to interpretation, including Consumer Protection Law.

They DO NOT HAVE a password manager. Period. They are claiming that they do. Under your definition, I could claim I have one, too. My nonexistent one is just as good, maybe better, since no one will waste their time trying to use it.

As for taking a deep ridiculous. This is a computer program, a tool. It does not work. I need something that works. I am not in the software business. I have no allegiance to some silly program. I am just trying to run my business, I literally have dozens of passwords. I do not want to lose them. Simple enough.

This company is scamming its buyers by claiming it has a utility that it does not have. Stop defending the obvious.

  • New Voice
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  • February 19, 2019
How about we each, in our respective states, contact the Attorney General's Office and see what they have to say about it?

  • New Member
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  • February 20, 2019
Yes, worth doing, but it will take forever. Meanwhile, I need to move on to something that actually works. But I agree that these jerks shouldn't get away with this. Let's file.

  • New Member
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  • February 20, 2019
Yes, they DO have a password manager which currently is being worked upon due to glitches in the program. Evidently it appears that everything you have ever purchased has worked 100% of the time OR you threatened to go to your attorney and sue for false advertising....right? Stop being so disingenuous, Step_M and kevco. You're not fooling anyone here with these outlandish claims. Be sensible. As has been mentioned numerous times, if you have to have a password manager immediately, there are a number of good free ones available (in fact, PCMag has reviewed several recently). Use one of them until Webroot has a solution. And please... go easy on the dramatics. If you go to ANY AV site (i.e. Norton, Avast, AVG, Avira and so forth) you'll discover forums with ongoing complaints about one thing or another that is not working correctly. It's the nature of the world in which we live: nothing is perfect... including us.

  • New Voice
  • 39 replies
  • February 20, 2019
I could care less about your lecture or your opinion, unless you work for Webroot.

  • New Member
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  • February 20, 2019
Ditto. Look at it this way: I purchased a specific laptop with a DVD ROM built in. If that reader drawer opened and closed, but did not read or write DVD's, would the manufacturer be able to claim that it was in fact a DVD ROM? No, they would not, even though there are workarounds...I could use the cloud, thumb drives or an external DVD drive. Somehow we've been brainwashed to accept poor performance from software vendors that we would never tolerate from hardware vendors.

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  • February 20, 2019
kevco wrote:
I could care less about your lecture or your opinion, unless you work for Webroot.

The feeling, my dear man, is mutual. (jBTW: I think you meant to say: "I couldn't care less.")

  • New Member
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  • February 20, 2019
Steph_M wrote:
Somehow we've been brainwashed to accept poor performance from software vendors that we would never tolerate from hardware vendors.

Do you know how petulant you sound right now? Call the attorney general's office and see how far you get. I can guarantee they'll laugh in your face (or at the least, behind your back). You are not the only ones being inconvenienced by a non-working pw mgr right now. Most adults take these things in their stride and either find a workaround as I suggested or actually move on to another AV suite. But I will guarantee that whatever suite you sign up for, you're going to discover problems of one nature or another. There are no perfect programs. There is no perfect anything. It's the nature of the beast: no best anything including human beings. We're flawed... some far more seriously than others, nevertheless we're all flawed and so is what we make.

Do you know, with your recent threats to do this or that you actually bring to mind a mental picture of my now-grown children throwing a tantrum over whatever (it's long lost in the annals of time I'm afraid). Just wait for the fix and try to not worry too much about it. If it really is such a concern, either ask for a refund and move on OR find a workaround like many of us have done.

You are all right, this does need to be fixed, it has gone on for way too long now.

And before you all think I work for Webroot, I am a professional gardener in the south of England sat at home with a broken leg.

I have the Webroot PWM and have used it until a couple of weeks ago at which point I had enough and switched over to Lastpass with no problem at all, it was a very easy process to do and I cannot understand why more of you don't do that.

Yes, I know you paid for something and you should have it, but problems arise with software from all the AV companies amongst many others, and you only have to look at the Security News section on here to see that. There is no company on the planet which is immune to problems at all, even Governments which should be better than all of them.

The other thing is, did you all buy Webroot just for the Password manager? I doubt it. But if you want to go to another vendor, fine, just go, there is nothing stopping you and you will soon remember one of the main reasons which probably prompted you to try Webroot anyway.

The Webroot AV program is still the same, delivering what must be probably the quickest scanner, the lightest in space needed and it is certainly not a system hogger like a lot of the competition.
Yes I know Webroot has messed up big time with dragging their feet with a fix for this, but it is just 1 part of the program and we have been told that fix will appear now very shortly so just give them a little longer.

If you are not prepared to wait, instead of complaining and threatening this and that just save yourselves the stress and sample the competition.

  • Popular Voice
  • 46 replies
  • February 20, 2019
Well said Jasper, just what I have done.

  • New Member
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  • February 20, 2019
I entered this discussion simply to see if there was any news from Webroot, but apparently there is not. Then I found this amazing community of Webroot Defenders. It fascinated me that you all would be so loyal to a vendor that treats you so poorly. My fascination is done now. I will not be chump. I am returning the product. Bye.

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  • February 20, 2019
Steph_M wrote:
Law is subject to interpretation, including Consumer Protection Law.

They DO NOT HAVE a password manager. Period. They are claiming that they do. Under your definition, I could claim I have one, too. My nonexistent one is just as good, maybe better, since no one will waste their time trying to use it.

As for taking a deep ridiculous. This is a computer program, a tool. It does not work. I need something that works. I am not in the software business. I have no allegiance to some silly program. I am just trying to run my business, I literally have dozens of passwords. I do not want to lose them. Simple enough.

This company is scamming its buyers by claiming it has a utility that it does not have. Stop defending the obvious.

That is rubbish...and I suspect that you have no idea what you are talking about in this case.

Anyway...I am not going to get drawn into a polemic on the subject...what will be will be...and no amount of bellyaching or discussion is going to change that...period.
