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Password Manager ??? Time for this fix to be DONE

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  • February 20, 2019
Steph_M wrote:
I entered this discussion simply to see if there was any news from Webroot, but apparently there is not. Then I found this amazing community of Webroot Defenders. It fascinated me that you all would be so loyal to a vendor that treats you so poorly. My fascination is done now. I will not be chump. I am returning the product. Bye.

Actually Webroot have treated us pretty well over the years...and they deserve so reciprocity for that. And that is all we are doing.

All the best with your future ventures in the world of cybersecurity...I doubt that you will find a company that is better than Webroot or has a better product.

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  • February 20, 2019
Steph_M wrote:
I entered this discussion simply to see if there was any news from Webroot, but apparently there is not. Then I found this amazing community of Webroot Defenders. It fascinated me that you all would be so loyal to a vendor that treats you so poorly. My fascination is done now. I will not be chump. I am returning the product. Bye.

Well... you're wrong again on a number of points. First off, you say there is no news regarding the pw mgr but in fact there is: it's being worked on and hopefully will be out soon. Secondly whereas you say our defense fascinated you, in fact you were aggravated by our explanations. We were not defending WR but trying to answer your question as best we could: it's currently undergoing work so in the interim, download a free version of LastPass as many of us have done. This is not a defense but rather an attempt at helping you. Lastly, you say that you will not be a chump and so you're leaving. Okay. You could have done that without a parting shot, right? The fact that you decided to make that parting shot comes off a bit like a chump but then... it's not my place to make that final judgment. Like Baldrick, I hope you find what you're looking for and wish you the best.

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  • February 21, 2019
I'd like to apologize to both kevco and Steph_M for my "over-the-top" defense of WSA. I did not have to be sarcastic and for that I'm truly sorry. If you are reading this, please forgive me.

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  • February 26, 2019
I called Corporate and they sent me a full refund check.

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  • February 26, 2019
All I would like to say is I have been waiting patiently for 3 months now. waiting for a month and a half for any new news. I would expect when there is a tentative deadline (late Jan- mid Feb) that there are updates when that will not be possible. I have been waiting for three months to switch my main browser from Chrome to FireFox because it still sorta works on Chrome. There are some passwords that I do not remember anymore and would just like access to that. I have not been able to transfer them or even look at them. I am forced to use Chrome for the moment. It would be nice if they would give us the ability to use LastPass or give us a temporary subscription already paid for while we wait for the new manager. It is just frustrating that there is no transparency with updates and just what exactly is going on. My hope is that the people at Webroot are paying attention to these forums, beause it seems like they are not.

  • New Voice
  • 39 replies
  • February 26, 2019
Nope: Just checked, no news from a Webroot corporate exec here. January to mid February has come and gone, broken promises, no update, and they continue to sell the product with a password manager to people who will only find out they didn't get what they paid for.

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  • February 27, 2019
nsharpe wrote:
There are some passwords that I do not remember anymore and would just like access to that. I have not been able to transfer them or even look at them. I

This is why it is always advisable (actually, imperative) that we "back up" passwords and other important data. Sorry you have had to learn this the hard way.

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  • February 27, 2019
kevco wrote:
Nope: Just checked, no news from a Webroot corporate exec here. January to mid February has come and gone, broken promises, no update, and they continue to sell the product with a password manager to people who will only find out they didn't get what they paid for.

Broken promises? They told us they were hopeful of having a resolution by this time and not guaranteeing it. Nothing in this world is fool-proof and if you don't know that by now, you're in for a very rude awakening some day. Have you asked for a refund? It seems to me that this might be the best advice for you instead of sticking around here, creating a lot of turmoil and bad-mouthing Webroot as often as you can. Just ask for a refund and go find happiness with another company. I'm certain that "other company" will be delighted to have you on board and while WR won't say it, I'm guessing WR will also be delighted to see you leave. Just my two cents, mind you.

  • New Voice
  • 39 replies
  • February 27, 2019
Orthodoxy Troll, I'm not reading your stuff anymore. You don't work for Webroot, and your purpose for responding to the Webroot customers is simply to agitate. I find you to be irrelevant and insignificant, and of no actual help at all. I do not value your opinion, and if you respond I won't read it.

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  • February 27, 2019
kevco: What exactly do you want? I suggested you ask for a refund since WR is not giving you the pw mgr it promised. Evidently that is trolling you? How exactly am I trolling you? I'm not defending WR in the sense that you think. I've admitted that it has not come up with a resolution to this issue. However, the difference between your petulant approach and mine is one of maturity and reason. You have two viable options before you. 1) Ask for a refund and then find another AV program that meets your needs. End of story. 2) You recognize that WR "is" working on resolving the issue and wait like the rest of us rather than continue to threaten and whine. If you must have a pw mgr in the interim, do what many of us have done and download the free version of LastPass. It works just fine for our immediate needs.

As for your words directed at me (troll, agitate, irrelevant, insignificant, no value)... that's fine. I'm a big boy and my skin is evidently a shade thicker than your own. Just spare the WR community the continual hand-wringing by doing something about it (choices 1 or 2 above). This is what a mature adult would do. Try it.

MKargel wrote:
Hoping others feel the same way. I have been using Webroot for years and always recommended them. This Password Manager problem has me very much questioning my choices... Not really sure why it has taken so long to fix the problem or at least patch it until a fix could be made. It has cuased alot of problem for me and I dont even have all that many passwords stored there. I read a thread where someone had over 300 passwords stored.. oh my what a nightmare... I am still with there security for a long time as I purchased a long term plan the last time I renewed. My question is should I /we contiune using this after its been fixed. Are they going to compensate us for this problem. Think it would have been nice for them to keep us in the loop via Email what was happening ... End of my rant...

In an earlier thread I learned that Webroot's password manager is a licensed version of Lastpass. I have had nothing but support issues using Lastpass with MS Edge. Latest issue which has required well over an hour of my time is that it allows logging in but never opens a site via the drop-down box. This is after going to the trouble of recording my screen (keystrokes included) then trying to get it to them by attaching a very small mp4 in the support reply. They couldn't open it so I then had to load it in Dropbox -and they are the PC experts! I would NEVER consider using Lastpass again -and I am not a PC newbie. I'm only passing this along in case it helps someone else. Go get RoboForm or something reliable.

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  • March 2, 2019
I've never had a single issue using both Lastpass free and premium versions. Both are highly recommended by a security guru like Steve Gibson and people like Paul Thurrott and Leo Laporte. I will add that I'm using Edge, Gibson uses Firefox and Laporte uses Chrome so three different browsers all appear to be trouble free with Lastpass.

  • 6 replies
  • March 3, 2019
I wasn't using WR's password manager, but rather the free web extension from Norton. Someone up above in this thread recommended LastPass. I tried it - free version - seems very solid & easy to use and it is available for Edge, Chrome & Firefox that I know of. Been using it now for4 or 5 days. No problems, so far. Worth your time to look in to it. See if it's right for you.

  • New Voice
  • 12 replies
  • March 16, 2019
Every time an "estimated fix date" comes and goes, users who are experiencing this problem should be getting a push notification and an apology. And another estimate. Without going searching for it. Only to find "answers" from folks who don't work for the company. This is the long and short of my complaint. Not threats of legal action, not howling into the wind about getting "ripped off". Just looking for a little common decency from those I have chosen to do business with. It's March 16th. did I get a notification saying "we're still working on it, please forgive our continued failure to meet the latest in a long line of missed estimates"? Nope. SAD.
