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I’ve used Webroot for years and thankfully haven’t had malware issues.

Recently however, I was hit by a (seeming) ransomware attack. I’m very careful, but this came from a news link from Bing !

Anyway, whatever the *$#% it was, I was able to remove it. But are there any other scanners or anti-malware programs I should be using in addition to Webroot?

Hello @terri67 I asked that question see here:



I should add that--from my experience-- it’s best to stay away from Internet Explorer.
Chrome is a much more secure browser.

Hello, @terri67 I suggest that you use an adblocker (e.g. Adguard or Ublock Origin). Webroot has a decent webfilter. A friend of mine is using SecureAPlus with Webroot. Give it a try and see if it works for you.
