I received a notice when opening webroot that my subscription was running out. I knew this was coming I could see the days counting down on the screen. About the same time I received an e-mail from Best Buy/ Geek Squad to renew it. So I did and got a confirmation e-mail last week telling me my plan has been updated. However there is no indication on my webroot screen that anything has been renewed its still warning me my subscription is going to expire in 23 days. This is the first time I renewed with webroot others I've dealt with in the past renewed immediately adding to my existing time left on my subscription. Could someone offer some info on how webroot subscriptions work. Do they normally runout and then renew or should they renew as soon as I update??
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You shouldn't be seeing notification of it expiring if you have renewed. Are you sure you renewed and didn't buy a new license altogether?
Thanks for updating your information,
Your plan, listed below, has been updated with the credit card ending in xxxx . That means your benefits will continue without interruption.
If you did not make this update, please call us at 1-800-433-5778. The security of your information is important to us.
Thank you for choosing Best Buy
and Geek Squad
Your Plan Details https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/6_NdU_nX5LXzMb3Z1yEo_E-BbOdga7F7zP24kQ_FM3DuczhYQwQUmnU84Bhu0n-aqvQrt5yZygMY41yZgNzP9Y84HyphqT167wO9-AJwgqFqxWFb_cEGDhp2PsJomiL4psqhJYDLITl5thhgDFB3KD8=s0-d-e1-ft#http://image.emailinfo2.bestbuy.com/lib/fef31d77766c05/m/6/services_renewals_webrootLogo_2.png Webroot SecureAnywhere IS for 3 PC's or Mac 3 Year
The above is the confirmation e-mail I received from Best Buy. It makes no reference to a license and by the way I don't know what a license is, sorry. I talked to the Geek Squad about this and they didn't know if it would renew or not at the end of my present subscription. They said if it didn't I should bring my PC into the store and they would do what had to be done to renew. Maybe its just me but this sounds like a whole lot of work just to renew a subscription. Thanks for your prompt response.
Your plan, listed below, has been updated with the credit card ending in xxxx . That means your benefits will continue without interruption.
If you did not make this update, please call us at 1-800-433-5778. The security of your information is important to us.
Thank you for choosing Best Buy

Your Plan Details https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/6_NdU_nX5LXzMb3Z1yEo_E-BbOdga7F7zP24kQ_FM3DuczhYQwQUmnU84Bhu0n-aqvQrt5yZygMY41yZgNzP9Y84HyphqT167wO9-AJwgqFqxWFb_cEGDhp2PsJomiL4psqhJYDLITl5thhgDFB3KD8=s0-d-e1-ft#http://image.emailinfo2.bestbuy.com/lib/fef31d77766c05/m/6/services_renewals_webrootLogo_2.png Webroot SecureAnywhere IS for 3 PC's or Mac 3 Year
The above is the confirmation e-mail I received from Best Buy. It makes no reference to a license and by the way I don't know what a license is, sorry. I talked to the Geek Squad about this and they didn't know if it would renew or not at the end of my present subscription. They said if it didn't I should bring my PC into the store and they would do what had to be done to renew. Maybe its just me but this sounds like a whole lot of work just to renew a subscription. Thanks for your prompt response.
To LLidell I copied and pasted my email from best buy for you but didn't realize all that code was going to be added. Hope that is not a security breach of some kind
As long as the code is removed you should be fine.
Any thoughts on the e-mail from Best Buy confirming my renewal? Also how do I remove the code? And from where? I have a limited knowledge of this stuff!!
I would recommend calling them as Best Buy has their own renewal systems in place. Call 1-888-237-8289 and they will get you taken care of.
LLiddell Just wanted to get back to you and thank you for your help. I called the number you gave me and got everything straighten out.
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