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withdrawal of Google Chrome support for users of MS windows XP

  • 21 March 2016
  • 3 replies

 With the imminent withdrawal of Google Chrome support for Windows XP users, what is the best course of action for us? ie; up-grade to newer O/S (Windows 10 etc) what is the most cost effective solution?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi jamesl_inSA
Welcome to the Community Forums.
To be honest I do not think that there is a right or wrong answer to this question. Over here, in the UK where I am based there have been deliberatiosn including the suggestion that given that there is no cost free upgrade path to Windows 10 the  best approach would be to purchase the full version of Windows 8.1 and then avail oneself of the free upgrade from Windows7/8/8.1 to Windows 10 that expires on 29th July this year, given that the price of Windows 8.1 is £10/$15 cheaper than the full price for Windows 10...LOL.
But the questions is whether the possibility that a Windows 8.1 > WIndows 10 upgrade not going right is worth a saving of £10/$15...well, your guess is as good as mine.
I would definitively say that security-wise you will be much safer out of the box than when using any prior version of WIndows and for me that aalone would warrant the move...but how to do it...just bear in mind what I have said above, and then you pays your money and makes your choice. ;)
Regards, Baldrick
Thankyou Baldrick
Obviously, whichever route I choose, there will be some cost involved. My system is within the requirements for Win10 but I have yet to explore the "out the box" costs for the O/S compared to the cost of just replacing my current machine for one with a pre-installed O/S version.
Time will tell... I need to save up a few pennies first...
Userlevel 7
Hi jamesl_inSA
You are most welcome...there are so many permutations and options that it can fair spin ones head. Do let us know what you decide as and when you do...but remember that the free upgrade path to Windows 10 expires end of July this year...should you be considering a permutation that includes availing yourself of that offer.
Regards, Baldrick
