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Webroot Console Ransomware?

Hi Webroot Team,

I hope all is well.

So I saw news a couple of days ago about hackers downloading ransomware through the WR console.

They were talking about remote management software being used to download the malware. Is this something a home user has to worry about?

Is the 2FA mentioned the security code after typing in the password or is that more like a 2FA via SMS or app?

Just wanted to get some more info to secure my home/personal account.

PS. All of my personal computers at home have the remote desktop feature disabled, because frankly screw that. I don't need that feature.

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Hi and welcome to the Community @windrider711
While this may not answer your question directly this post maybe of some interest to you:
How to Reset Two-Factor Authentication

Also @LLiddell @TripleHelix @Baldrick maybe able to shed some more light on it.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1449 replies
  • July 8, 2019
This is not something you would need to worry about, no. This was for a handful of business users that utilize the GSM console, which is very different from the home user version. Also worth noting that this vulnerability has been tended to by additional security measures being implemented.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • July 21, 2019
LLiddell wrote:
This is not something you would need to worry about, no. This was for a handful of business users that utilize the GSM console, which is very different from the home user version. Also worth noting that this vulnerability has been tended to by additional security measures being implemented.

@LLiddell @Jasper_The_Rasper

How is the GSM console different from the home user version? (no need for specific details)
Was is just specific commands, that home users don't have, that started downloading the ransomware?
I'm so confused because articles don't really go into it, super vague. They just keep bashing the company, which does not help the issue.

And what did you mean that the vulnerability was tended to?


  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1449 replies
  • July 22, 2019
The GSM console is more geared to managing policies and several sites as opposed to a singular group. If you're using WSA (home user product), then anything talking about GSM would not apply to you. This is generally only used by businesses.