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Windows Server 2019 ver 1809 compatibility

  • January 28, 2020
  • 1 reply


I understand that 2019 is ‘supported’ and listed here; LINK, however Webroot does not seem to disable or put Windows Defender in to passive mode on Server 2019 like it would for Windows 10. It also does not show as a listed Security provider in Settings-->Windows Security-->Open Windows Security-->Virus & Threat protection-->Manage providers (link on the right). This leaves the Windows Defender Antivirus Service set to Automatic and running. We all know that less is more when it comes to the amount of antivirus agents on a single machine.


I have been unable to find any documentation on your site or in the community regarding 2019 best practices or when it will be fully compatible. Please advise.








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  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 9 replies
  • January 31, 2020

Looks like this issue has been around since 2016…

"In Windows Server 2016, Windows Defender AV will not disable itself if you are running another antivirus product."


Anyone know if WR recommends running in paralegal with Windows Defender, disabling/uninstalling Defender, or turning off certain features of Defender when installing Webroot on Server 2016/2019?