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Webroot DNS reporting

  • February 26, 2019
  • 1 reply

I'm trying to get webroot to report the following, but I haven't found a report that does this yet.

  1. I need to see a report that ONLY shows me websites a user has actually typed into the browser, I don't need to see every bit of communication between the client and the webroot DNS servers.
  2. I need to see exactly what time in my own time zone, PST, not UTC when the user accessed each website.
  3. I need to see how long a user has actually been on a website. For example, I want to see two different times, one for active website, and then if a user just has the website open, but hasn't touched it for 2 hours, let's say the tab is open in the browser, I want to see the difference between the two.
Is there such a report, or can a report please be written to show the above info, as the current reports are useless to me.
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New Voice
  • New Voice
  • 12 replies
  • August 29, 2019
Agreed, I do find the DNS reporting to be a little lack luster. Some of the info is there, it's just not presented very well. Would be great to be able to export raw DNS data to manipulate.