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Is your mobile device secure?


In an era of increased Bring Your Own Device acceptance, securing endpoints is becoming one of the toughest challenges in information security. Vulnerabilities in mobile services such as malicious code in applications or cloud backups are particularly worrying. 

Attend the BrightTALK Mobile Security Summit to learn how to secure your mobile devices, from establishing efficient corporate BYOD policies to malware protection and encryption.



Featured Webinar: Security in a BYOD World

Presenters: Dr. Chenxi Wang, Forrester; Darren Niller, Webroot

Register here: 

BYOD is a reality and businesses need to build a security plan to protect their data. Dr. Chenxi Wang of Forrester discusses BYOD trends, challenges and recommendations based on her research. Darren Niller will share how Webroot has provided a single solution that allows IT to securely manage all endpoints: PCs, servers and mobile devices.

Attend these presentations live to have your questions answered by industry leaders, or view them on demand immediately after the presentation concludes.


Live February 6-7 and afterward on demand.

Register now and view the whole summit line-up:
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