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Webroot will be at RSA 2012!

  • February 21, 2012
  • 5 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6 replies
While we think online communities are a great way to interact and stay in touch with our customers, next week we're taking a hands-on approach as well. We will be live, in person, full flesh and blood attending the RSA Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA. 
Not only can you find many Webrooters attending the show (including all our lovely community moderators) at the Webroot booth or roaming through the conference isles, but we will also have a speaking session where we get down to the nitty gritty of how we find and stomp out Android malware. 
What would a conference be without a human-sized stress relief doll, a little old lady that speaks the real truth about traditional security and of course booth giveaways? Drop us a comment below if you're planning on attending and be on the lookout for more announcements with details on these activities and more next week.
Here's exactly where you can find us:
- Booth #828:  full map of expo floor here

- Speaking Session on Thursday, March 1st 10:40 a.m. in Room 104
"Cracking Open the Phone: An Android Malware Automated Analysis Primer" with Webroot Senior Threat Research Analyst Armando Orozco and Webroot's Manager of Threat Research, Grayson Milbourne.  
 - Everywhere! If you see someone wearing a Webroot shirt at the show feel free to stop them and say hi. 
For more general information on the show visit the official RSA website.

5 replies

Gold VIP
To all the Webroot employees that are going to the RSA show have fun and go get them! :D

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6 replies
  • March 7, 2012
We understand the pains that the Internet security industry has putting people through for a long, long time. In order to help you relieve some of those frustrations you've felt because of your security we had a real live human frustration reliever "Hit Me" guy at our RSA booth. Check out some of the greatest hits from some of what are clearly the most frustrated IT professionals we ran into at the conference.
Media not available

Gold VIP
Thanks Lisa! OK which Webroot Employee was getting hit? ROFL :D

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6 replies
  • March 8, 2012
We wouldnt subject our employees to that! :)
He was actually a professional stuntman trained and willing to be hit. 

Gold VIP
That's good to know! :D
