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From Mcafee EPO to Webroot

  • 28 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Team,


I am coming from a McAfee EPo and ESET  solution to a webroot solution. I am using the “Management Console  -  CE 22.4” to setup a range of Windows servers.


I have a few questions:


1:  Can we set the on access scan to “scan only on write” not read.

2:  Should we use file/folder exclusions?

3:  Is there a live scanning monitor to see what is being scanned at any time - this will test what should and what should not be scanned?


We also have seen that when we do a remote desktop to a server, the scanner activates and the CPU increases.






1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi Phil,

Welcome to the forum and I have no doubt your decision to move to Webroot is the right one. 

To answer your questions (to my knowledge, and I am no expert, I would recommend logging a support case to get a definitive answer on each)

  1. I don’t believe so, but the question I would have is why you might want to? For what it's worth, I have found the on-access to be the least intrusive and least performance hungry scanner my team and I have ever used
  2. Yes, as required. I rarely have a genuine requirement to do so, and when I do it is usually due to third party applications. Usually, the vendor provided said software will likely make recommendations of exclusions if they are needed
  3. I don’t know on this one I am afraid, if there is, I haven’t used it, recommend logging a support case

When you mention the CPU increase, how much are we talking? As mentioned above, I genuinely have never had an issue with resource hogging from Webroot aside from one machine that was running an OS that was no longer in support. 

Sorry I can’t be more help, I am sure others will chime in here as well if they have anything they can add. 

Best wishes,

