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Congratulations to @ for your recent promotion to Community Leader! Thanks for being such a great presence on our community!
Well, there ain't no stopping the there?


Congrats, Sherry...



Really akim? Thank you so much! I can't even type I'm so excited! Really?

Thank you,

Have a great day along with me EVERYONE!

Dear Baldick, I'm at a loss for words...really I am this time...

Thank you! Just when I thought I wasn't going much further with all you great members here I get promoted!

Happy Happy Day,

Sherry:) 😉
Congrats Sherry what a great Job keep it up!


Daniel ;)


Hi Sherry,


Hoooorayyy!! :D 

What a great news!!:D




Congratulations from all of my heart for your well-deserved promotion!!



Best wishes!! :D




Way to go Sherry!
Okay all you Awesome Graphic Boys;) I'd be nothing without all of your support and confidence that has been given to me. You are all the Best in the Best Community ever!

Once again, Thank you,@baldrick, @ ,@triplehelix@nic,@akim,@DavidP1970...all of you!

Webroot for Life!

Great job Sherry!  A huge congrats on the well earned promotion!
Congratulations Sherry, the promotion is very well deserved.


Hi Jasper_The_Rasper, and DavidP1970.. Very much appreciate the Congrats! It's so fun and rewarding to be a part of this Webroot Community Group.

You all are top notch contributors for sure...

Thank You,

Congratulations Sherry....great job!!!
Thank you! You always make me laugh ..


Congrats Sherry. You deserve nothing less. You're such a wonderful person to be around. You're joyful and light hearted. I enjoy reading your enthusiastic, colorful and joyous comments. So full of life among all the heavy techie and nerdy talking.;)


  Well done!


You men are so cute with your graphics. ..and ladies..

Congratulations SSherjj!
Hi Petr, Thank you, it means a lot to have your congrats!

Have a wonderful rest of the week,

