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Do you want to add color to your signature like I did? Do the following:


* Go to "Private Messages" by clicking the envelope by your forum name.


* Click "Compose New Message". Do not fill in "Send to" / "Message Subject". (Your not sending this message to anyone).


* In the Message Body "Rich Text Tab" Type your signature the way you want it to be shown on the forum.


* Click the "HTML Tab"


* Copy all the context that is shown.


* Go to "My Settings" - You may get a pop-up "Unsaved Information Will Be Lost".  Click OK.


* My Setting Page / Personal Profile, click "Personal Information"


* In the "Signature Block" paste the HTML that you copied.




Now look at your signature on one of your posts. You may need to go back and do some adjusting in the signature block. The first time I did mine it was doubled spaced. LOL
Great information on the easier way to do it without having to know HTML. Thanks!
