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Cast Your Vote!


Use the comment section below to vote for the nastiest malware of 2019 and you could win some Webroot swag!




That’s a good one @steve33 

Emotet for me as well.

Same, Emotet



Spicing things up! Emotet is particularly NASTY but Sodinokibi is also pretty horrific. Thanks for the votes everyone! 

We’ve helped a multinational cleanup after Ryuk and it’s probably the worst I’ve seen. Problem is that a single vote isn’t good. I can attribute the multinational getting Ryuk from previous infections of Emotet and Trickbot. 


Cast Your Vote!


Use the comment section below to vote for the nastiest malware of 2019 and you could win some Webroot swag!




Emotet for me too

Emotet gets my vote

With the many layers of protection we have for clients, we’ve been very fortunate to not have to fight anything major.  (Knock wood, salt over my shoulder, licking my left knee, whatever is needed.)

That said, the big 3 getting votes definitely keep us on our toes to make sure all is in order.

What about SpyEye? Going directly for the banking side of things… that one sounds like a real nightmare to me!

Based on just the amount of money lost, I would have to pick Gandcrab. If you can believe the boast of the authors.

But in a close second would be Sodinokibi (Sodin/REvil) 


If you count Phishing, for me, this is the nastiest malware because it is very difficult to control, as just software alone cannot stop it. 


Great votes coming in. Keep them coming! 

