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Webroot Weekly Highlights - 5/18/2018

This is a weekly highlight of the best articles and news going on in the Community.
See any stories that catch your interest? What would you like to see in the future? Let us know in the comments below!

Seven security tips for staying safe on an iPhone
iPhones have a reputation for being notoriously secure. After all, they caused quite the kerfuffle between Apple and the FBI because they are, from the FBI’s point of view, too secure! However, don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security. Using an iPhone is not an automatic guarantee of invulnerability.
The good news is that there are easy things to do to avoid causing problems for yourself. The following seven tips will help you to make sure your iPhone is the digital fortress that it was meant to be.
See the full article here.
New content on the Community!
Over the past few weeks we have been expanding some of the content here on the Community, soon we will have more too! Here's a look into next week:
5/21 - Motivation Monday
5/22 - Trivia Tuesday
5/23 - Welcome Wednesday
5/24 - Today in History
5/25 - Weekly Highlights
And we recently added the new events widget, you can see more about this recent addition here
North Korea-tied hackers use Google Play and Facebook to infect defectors
Researchers said a team of hackers tied to North Korea recently managed to get the Google Play market to host at least three Android apps designed to surreptitiously steal personal information from defectors of the isolated nation.
The three apps first appeared in the official Android marketplace in January and weren’t removed until March when Google was privately notified. That’s according to a blog post published Thursday by researchers from security company McAfee. Two apps masqueraded as security apps, and a third purported to provide information about food ingredients. Hidden functions caused them to steal device information and allow them to receive additional executable code that stole personal photos, contact lists, and text messages.
See the full article here.
Internet of Things: Who is watching you?
An overwhelming number of IT security professionals (85%) see a cyberattack on critical infrastructure happening in the next five years. Pwnie Express CEO Todd DeSisto says that figure is perhaps the scariest number the company has seen in the four years they have been conducting the Internet of Evil Things research.
See the full article here.
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  • "I have a powerhouse desktop which I worked very hard on building. I use it for some pretty heavy stuff, and having antivirus software that will not only secure my investment, but also use limited resources to do so, is a huge deal for me. It simply works. I started using Webroot in July of 2013 and have used it ever since, no matter what the computer might be. It's on my laptops, desktops, you name it - and I know it's going to work."
  • "This is an amazing software package. I do a lot of bench marking and nothing comes close to the performance of Webroot. I wish there were more of an assurance as to always having updated software, but it's alright I guess. Please continue your most excellent support and service. I'D HAPPILY PAY DOUBLE FOR THIS."
  • "I love Webroot! It is very light on resources and, as a result, doesn't interfere with my computer's operation. The frequent updates and scans help keep my computer secure. A wonderful antivirus application that I've recommended to others."

2 replies

Bronze VIP
  • Bronze VIP
  • 1267 replies
  • May 19, 2018
I like the story on tips for security on the iPhone. How about similar stories for Windows, MacOS, and Android as well. Thanks for the update. Always good info.

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1449 replies
  • May 21, 2018
@ wrote:
I like the story on tips for security on the iPhone. How about similar stories for Windows, MacOS, and Android as well. Thanks for the update. Always good info.
Great idea! I'll remember this and look for stories pertaining to Windows, MacOS, and Android here for this week. I appreciate the feedback!