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Product Bulletin

Product Bulletin: WSAT April 2020

Product Bulletin: WSAT April 2020


To better serve our customers who use Microsoft®️ Azure Active Directory (AD), our latest release of Webroot®️ Security Awareness Training includes an Azure AD integration for user training management.

The Azure AD integration keeps Security Awareness Training target users in sync with the AD tenant, so admins no longer need to upload CSV or LDIF files, nor manually enter users into the Security Awareness Training console. The enhancement will help automate both the initial import of target users, as well as adding/removing new and existing users as they join or leave the organization. From the Microsoft Azure portal, admins can also choose to sync all target users or only specified AD groups that require training.

We continue to add new courses and phishing templates on a monthly cadence to help keep training relevant and engaging. Since December, we’ve added 25 new and updated courses and 8 new phishing templates.


Highlights of this release include:

  • New – Microsoft Azure Active Directory integration
  • New – Courses, phishing lures and templates


Microsoft Azure AD Integration

This product bulletin offers a brief overview of the Webroot Security Awareness Training integration for Microsoft Azure Active Directory. For more in-depth instructions on using this new feature, view the Security Awareness Training Admin Guide.

  • To set up the new feature, open the Webroot management console.
  • Go to Settings > Security Awareness Training and click the new Configure Azure AD Integration button in the bottom left.
  • From here, you can set up secret tokens and the other settings required to use Azure AD.

Under Settings > Security Awareness Training, you will now see a Configure Azure AD Integration button


New Courses and Templates

Since December, we have added the following new courses and templates. We plan to continue releasing new content each month in 2020.

A small sample of the new courses available in WSAT


For a full list of new courses available in WSAT, please review the attached PDF below.