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Malicious Chatbots Target Casinos in Southeast Asia

  • May 12, 2023
  • 1 reply


Dubbed "ChattyGoblin," the China-backed actors use chatbots to scam Southeast Asian gambling companies.


May 12, 2023 By Dark Reading Staff


A campaign dating back to October 2021 has turned its attention toward Southeast Asian gambling operations with a sneaky new tactic — targeting customer support agents with chatbots.

Researchers at ESET dubbed the campaign "ChattyGoblin" and traced it back to threat groups backed by China. ESET added that the threat actors rely primarily on Comm100 — which was first observed and documented by CrowdStrike — and LiveHelp apps.


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Malicious chatbots targeting casinos in Southeast Asia is a growing cybersecurity threat. These chatbots are designed to mimic human behavior, engaging with casino staff and customers to gather sensitive information, steal funds, or distribute malware.

The chatbots are often embedded in social media messaging apps, such as WeChat or WhatsApp, which are popular in the region. They are designed to appear legitimate, with names and profiles that look like those of genuine customers or staff members.
