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Fact or Myth? "My password is fine, and doesn't need to change."

  • 3 February 2012
  • 1 reply



 While “%14lugnut_(1776)-tutu” is better than “pass*word,” you’re still not completely safe. No matter how creative or intellectualized your password, there’s someone (or something) out there devoting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to breaking your weak code.


Hackers also use keyloggers, which can snatch and monitor keypad activity. Encrypt all you want – there’s still a chance your password will be passed along.



If you want some password help, check out these 3 options:


1. Use phrases

These examples let you use phrases that either mean something to you, or you associate with a type of website. For example: 2BorNot2B_ThatIsThe? (To be or not to be, that is the question – from Shakespeare)


2. Use your artistic side

You don’t have to think of it just as the numbers you see, it can also be a canvas to draw on. 1qazdrfvgy7, is really hard to remember unless you know that it’s a W on your keyboard -that’s a lot easier to remember! You can make letters, shapes, and more just ‘drawing’ on the keyboard.


3. Add emoticons :)

While some websites limit the types of symbols you can use, most allow a wide range. Make your symbols memorable by turning them into smiley faces to instantly boost your password power.

Fourth point: don't use the same password on multiple websites.

And another: change your passwords on a regular basis.
