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How to download maps in Apple Maps for offline use

  • 7 November 2023
  • 3 replies


iOS 17 allows Apple Maps users to download maps for offline use and generate turn-by-turn directions with them. This can be a lifesaver when traveling in remote areas without a cellular connection.

It’s not complicated, but there are a number of steps to go through if you want to download Apple Maps of certain cities or regions. Here’s how to do it.


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Useful to know thanks 

Userlevel 7
Badge +25

I agree, this is useful to know. I have another app that allows me to do that, because there never used to be a way to cache needed maps. 

By the way, if you do not like Apple Maps, and many do not, MAPS.ME is a good alternative for off line maps when traveling as you can load up everywhere you are going in advance. 

Thanks for the post 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I agree, this is useful to know. I have another app that allows me to do that, because there never used to be a way to cache needed maps. 

By the way, if you do not like Apple Maps, and many do not, MAPS.ME is a good alternative for off line maps when traveling as you can load up everywhere you are going in advance. 

Thanks for the post 

Not heard of MAPS.ME so I’ll check that out 👍🏻
