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10 Helpful Pointers for Selling Items Online

  • February 14, 2012
  • 0 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 58 replies
  1. Stick to the facts of the item being sold. Leave out personal information, including your email and phone number, if you can help it
  2. Look hard at any photo you post. You don’t want it to include house numbers in the background, or license plate numbers, family members, etc.
  3. Understand that many out-of-area buyers are associated with fraudulent deals
  4. If anything feels “off,” stop contact. It’s always a good idea to chat on the phone for a bit about the item for sale and be wary of erratic or nonsensical behavior on the phone
  5. Make it clear that you will only accept cash for the item. Other forms of payment are highly likely to be fraudulent
  6. Don’t accept partial payment or anything other than cash for the transaction. If the method of payment changes from your previous agreement, walk away from the deal
  7. Agree to meet during daylight hours in a public place and bring a friend to accompany you. With high profile items, it’s okay to ask for proof of identity such as a driver’s license. Note the license plate number, color, and model of the buyer’s vehicle so you have it in the event there is trouble
  8. Show transportable items in safe, public places
  9. If the item being sold has significant value, meet inside a bank where you can deposit the money before leaving – this way the buyer can’t turn around and rob you (and you’ll benefit from the extra security)
  10. If the buyer absolutely must travel to your home, move the item into the garage or entryway, if possible. The goal is for potential buyers to see as little as necessary of your house – ideally they won’t come inside your home at all

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