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Hi, I'm Cat, Webroot's Community Manager!

  • January 17, 2012
  • 0 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 241 replies
Hi Webroot Community!  I'm Cat, your new Community Manager.
Although I'm originally from Michigan, I happily joined the amazing Webroot team out in Colorado over the last year with a goal of creating a single online space for us to interact with our community!
I'm really looking forward to meeting you in our new online community and learning your thoughts on internet security. (Yes, the good AND the bad.)  I'll probably even chime in on the forums from time to time.
Now you have a whole new playground to share your thoughts, ideas and get a say on how to create the most revolutionizing security product out there!  (We may even reward you along the way...)  I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it!
Please feel free to send me a message any time to give me feedback on the Webroot Community or ask me a question. 
Happy...reading, voting, posting!
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