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iOS vs. Android-Do malware risks play a part in the debate?

  • December 7, 2012
  • 0 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 448 replies
Today's edition of CNET's bi-weekly "Ask Maggie" tech advice column puts a small twist on a topic we here at Webroot are very well-versed on-mobile malware and how to protect against it. The twist is the question: Will switching from iOS to Android increase the chance of getting malware on my mobile device? (You can read the full CNET article here)

While the article is about personal use, I think it's just as relevant for business conversation as BYOD continues to be a hot topic. So I'd like to extend the discussion to the Webroot Business Community to get your thoughts on this.
1.  In general, how big of a concern is malware on mobile devices? How can it limit acceptance of BYOD policies?
2. If you're already using/planning to use BYOD at your company, which OS do you prefer your employees using? If it's iOS, is it because it works better for your company or because you're concerned about Android's open platform?
Also remember that, no matter your mobile OS preference out of the two, Webroot offers mobile protection for both consumers and businesses.

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