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I renewed a webroot anywhere. downloaded but when try to run comes back to scan purchase screen

  • January 25, 2015
  • 1 reply

I renewed a webroot anywhere purchase ....downloaded....but when try to run it goes back to scan purchase screen.......have key but never option to enter

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • January 25, 2015
Hi gsheehan
Welcome to the Community Forums.
If I understand correctly, have downloaded the installer and when you run it you just get what you have already installed?
If that is the case then I can advise:
  1. If renewing, i.e., adding time to your existing keycode/sunscription then there is no need to download the installer again or enter a keycode...the time just gets added and you continue as is.
  1. If you renewed by purchased a new keycode then:
(i) again there is no need to download as the is only one installer and it is the key code when entered that defines which features you have subscribed to, and
(ii) to enter a new keycode you just click on the gear/cog symbol to the right of 'My Account' in the main application panel, and that should open up a new panel with a place to enter the keycode, with a button marked 'Activate' below it...which you press to activate the newly enter keycode.
  1. Now at this point if 2. above is the option for you then a couple more things:
(i) do not enter the new keycode until the current one has expired because if you have any time on the old one that will continue to run down even though you have activated the new one, and so you would effectively "lose" the time still left on the old one. And
(ii) if you currently use either Internet Security Plus or Complete versions and the Password Manager and or the Back up and Sync features, then moving to a new keycode will mean that you can no longer access your data stored against the old if this is the case you will need to Open a Support Ticket and ask the Support Team to transfer the date from current to new keycode, once you have activated the have about 30 days to do that before the data is deleted.
I hope that answers the questions/explains what you are seeing and what to do to resolve the issues?  If not then please come back and advise further as to what you need help with.
Regards, Baldrick
