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Scan results

  • February 2, 2015
  • 5 replies

  • New Voice
  • 12 replies
Forgive me if this has been addressed a gazillion times but...
After a scan has finished are the results available anywhere to view?
I see on the main screen that it has a running count how many scans have been performed and how many threats have been found since installing the software. Having a running total doesn't tell me what was found on the last scan as I don't always remember what the threat count was before hand. 
I would really like to view each individual scan result before I save it or get rid it?
Possible?   and if not let's say im not at the computer when the scan is finished and I come back later and it shows scan was performed xx amount of time ago, where is the scan result?
At the very least I would think any threats it finds should automatically get put into Quarantine?

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Gold VIP

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  • February 2, 2015
Ok, I saw that but all that seems to do is ask for a location to save it?
So.... if i understand this correctly,  if I setup a location, does the scan log automatically get saved to this location or is this a manual action by clicking  the "Save scan log"  option?

Gold VIP
I save it to my system's Downloads Folder but you can save it to where ever you like even Desktop!
Daniel 😉

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  • February 2, 2015
So you have to physically click on "save scan log" after each scan and that sends it to your designated location?
This is kind of strange to me as all previous AV programs automatically saved a scan log for your viewing and put any threats into Quarantine...

Rakanisheu Retired
Threats get automatically put in the Quarantine but that wasnt your original question. Scan logs are automatically placed in the Webroot folder. At the end of the scan you can hit the Save Logs button on the results page or you can manually save them by right clicking on the tray icon. 
