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Purchase question.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 47 replies
It's time to renew. Question, thru the renew link the price is more than double what i paid for the program initialy. That just don't sit well with me. i can however buy it straight out for what i bought my current for. if i purchase the standalone (skipping high priced rewewel) i assume i will get a new key. Can that be entered into my current at that point or will i have to reinstall entire program. 
Edit - By the way, I bought current version at webroot for $29.99 yet the renewel is showing me $70 plus. I can purchase again at webroot for $29.00 as i just added it to my cart yet im concerned there would be a license issue or a renewel issue plugging in new code to my current. My current keycode is being used on 5 systems so im confused on how to handle this. Anyhelp is appreciated.

Best answer by JamesG

You are good to go now!
You will see the days updated after running a scan.

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Gold VIP
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  • April 3, 2015
Hi Datagg
If that is the case then I can advise:
  1. If renewing, i.e., adding time to your existing keycode/subscription then there is no need to download the installer again or enter a keycode...the time just gets added and you continue as is.
  1. If you renewed by purchased a new keycode then:
(i) again there is no need to download as the is only one installer and it is the key code when entered that defines which features you have subscribed to, and
(ii) to enter a new keycode you just click on the gear/cog symbol to the right of 'My Account' in the main application panel, and that should open up a new panel with a place to enter the keycode, with a button marked 'Activate' below it...which you press to activate the newly enter keycode.
  1. Now at this point if 2. above is the option for you then a couple more things:
(i) do not enter the new keycode until the current one has expired because if you have any time on the old one that will continue to run down even though you have activated the new one, and so you would effectively "lose" the time still left on the old one. And
(ii) if you currently use either Internet Security Plus or Complete versions and the Password Manager and or the Back up and Sync features, then moving to a new keycode will mean that you can no longer access your data stored against the old if this is the case you will need to Open a Support Ticket and ask the Support Team to transfer the date from current to new keycode, once you have activated the have about 30 days to do that before the data is deleted.
I hope that answers the questions/explains what you are seeing and what to do to resolve the issues?  If not then please come back and advise further as to what you need help with.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • April 3, 2015
Thank you.. so it looks like im at point 3 then. i do use password manager on all 5 systems.  So, my expiration is up in 8 days. Can i then purchase for the $29.99 as i did back then and then just send them the new code and they will make that work with the newely purchased?.... i wish i could just use the renew option it would be so much easier, yet at almost 2+ times the original price that seems so odd. Obviously i want to stay with Webroot, great program and a great community. Just need to get past this stage and all golden. 
Sorry another question.  When I get the new license and enter it into the existing will i lose the password data at that point (meaning accessible). That would not be desirable outcome. How can this be done seamessly so all works when i plug in new code?...  Thank you so very much Baldrick.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • April 3, 2015
Hi Datagg
You can of course purchase for the $29.99 as you did back then, Open a Support Ticket providing current and new keycodes and they should be able to transfer the days from the new code to the current code.  I say they should as they have in the past.
Yes, if you activate the new license, i.e., enter it into WSA, then you will lose access to the password data as it is keyed on amongst otherthing...keycode, but you will not 'lose' it as it is still attached to the current keycode, and will be retained for up to 30 days after expiry of the keycode it is attached to.
So the best approach is (i) what I have described above, i.e., no change of keycode but rather  adding of the days from the new to the current...that is about as seamless as it gets, or (ii) enter & activate the new keycode and then ask Support to move the password date from now old keycode to new keycode...not so seamless as you will be waiting on Support to action the request.
So I would go with option (i) and if they won't do that for you then go to option (ii).
Either way do let us know how it turns out for you.
Regards, Baldrick

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 3, 2015
Look on Newegg - they have some crazy deals on our products that might even be better than what you paid last year.

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  • April 3, 2015
Thanks guys... Nic i took a gander at Newegg and they do have some great deals... yet i cant beat the the current I can get right here (on my version) at webroot. I will let you know how it goes, thanks again guys.

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  • April 3, 2015
Datagg, you are most welcome. :D

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  • April 4, 2015
Well i purchased... and wrote support to do what you suggested. Got a message back that stated 
"Thank you for contacting Webroot. To better assist you with your inquiry, we recommend that you contact our Sales Team. For contact information, please click here and choose the sales number for the location that works best for you. A representative will be happy to discuss all of the options we have with you."
So i called back and i guess everyone that can handle this is out till monday. i was hopeing they could handle this via the support ticket as im back to work monday and getting a chance to call is very difficult. today i had off.  Anwyays i hope this can be taken care of via the support ticket as i supplied the new order keycode and invoice number and asked to please add the tiem to my current Keycode #.  Hope this works out as believed.
Have a great weekend guys. 

Gold VIP
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  • April 4, 2015
Hi Datagg
Thanks for letting us know.
@ would you be able to use your stupendous powers to see if you can get Datagg's Support Ticket acted upon in terms of transferring the subscription days from new to current?  Not sure if it is in your province to do so but thought it worth asking on his behalf.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • April 5, 2015
Thank you Baldrick for trying to sort this out for me. That's so awesome and I thank you. Hopefully Nic can get this sorted out for me.

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  • April 5, 2015
Hi Datagg
As Nic might say 'no worries'...that is what the Community is here for, and as you say hopefully Nic can weave his magic for you.
Do keep us posted as to what transpires whatever the outcome.
Regards, Baldrick

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 6, 2015
I can move the days over for you - just PM the old and new keycodes and I can get that moved over.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • April 6, 2015
Cheers, the rescue once again...our trusty Webroot Knight in Green armour...;)
Regards, Baldrick

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  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 6, 2015
Thanks so much guys. Nic, i just sent info to you. Thanks again so very much guys for all the help. Have a great week.


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  • April 6, 2015
Same to you , Dan, same to you! :D

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  • March 16, 2016
Hi guys... OP here.  Im at that time again to renew.  Can i do the same thing, buy a license then send (pm to nic) it to support and they can transfer new license to expiring current one?.... Webroot has been great for us here and i dont want to use anything else. Please advise if ican do the same thing as i did last round.  Thanks guys!!

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 725 replies
  • March 16, 2016
Hello ?,

Nic is currently out of the office today for SpiceCorps in California. However, if you would PM me both your new and old keycode I would be happy to do this for you.

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  • March 16, 2016
Thank you James. i wont be purchasing today,  payday i will be.  So i can send new to you also.  Sounds great.  Thank you James,  just wanted to make sure all would work out the same.  You guys rock, thank you.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • March 16, 2016
No problem at all!

Have a great day!


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  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 1, 2016
Hi James. Just sent a PM with newly purchased keycode, to transfer over to the current for another year. Thanks James... Dan

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  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 1, 2016
Hello... Should I PM Nic on this also. or are you still around James?.. Thanks guys

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 1, 2016
Let me tag him so he sees this ?

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  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 1, 2016
Thank you Nic!!

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • Answer
  • April 1, 2016
You are good to go now!
You will see the days updated after running a scan.


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  • Retired Webrooter
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  • April 2, 2016
Thank you James... 

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  • April 4, 2016
James.  An oddity here. It showed since i ran a scan it was added. The subscription shows it added, yet fropm that day forward i keep getting popups stating to renew.  Any idea how to correct this?. 
