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trouble uninstalling trojan app

An Trojan app named:
Device Management

was found...I've tried removing it to no success and even tried doing what use recommended by disabling it but could not find the exact app..similar app was com.mediatek

Can anyone help?

4 replies

Meant to say com.mediatek.smsreg

  • Moderator
  • 21832 replies
  • May 9, 2015
Hello @,
Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum,
The app "com.mediatek.smsreg", or "SmsReg", is a built in app on some phones and tablets. This app is marked bad because it exhibits suspicious behaviors like the ability to gather information about your phone (like IMEI, IMSI, IP address, phone number, etc.), start up upon rebooting, and also send text messages. Since the app is bundled with the factory-installed software, you will need to manually go and disable this app. This can be done in the Android application manager, where this app will be listed as "SmsReg". If you scroll down to "SmsReg" in the applications list and tap it, it will bring up information about the app as well as the option to disable it.
Once the app has been disabled, it is no longer functioning. At this point, we recommend running another scan with Webroot. If the app is detected again, go ahead and check the checkbox to "Always ignore this threat" and tap the button to ignore it. Since the app is disabled, there is no need to keep scanning it.
 The only way to completely remove the app would be to root the phone, but this is not necessary. We do not recommend doing this in any way, since rooting can lead to many other security risks and the process itself could permanently damage your device. Disabling the app is, for all intents and purposes, just as good as uninstalling it. This prevents the app from running or doing anything until you go back and re-enable it in the same menu.
If you need further help then please submit a Support Ticket free of charge with an active subscription.
Hope this helps,
Kind Regards,

Smsreg doesn't show up at I'll put through a support ticket

Hi I sent off a support ticket last week and haven't heard anything back yet
