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  • July 4, 2015
  • 1 reply

I'm not sure this is the correct location for asking a question. If not, maybe someone will direct me to the right place.
Actually don't know what I'm doing.... matter of fact it's been that way since 5th grade!!
ANYWAY, I installed webroot and have thus far run 4 scans. Problem is nothing changes. Every mouse click brings another pop-up, adobe, firefox and other products keep crashing, like every few seconds!!! I'm not joking!!
Anyone out there have an idea???

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • July 5, 2015
Hi nilehorse
Welcome to the Community Forums.
In reality you should be post in the forum that relates to the version of WSA that you are asking a question about/ if uisng the Antivirus version you should really post here, etc...but this will do for the moment.
in terms of what you are seeing may be caused by non-malware programs we commonly refer to as PUAs or Potentially Unwanted Application.
These are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-ups, redirect your browser home page, and other behaviour that may slow down the computer and direct ads your way, but they are not actually doing anything bad like damaging files or stealing information. Often they are installed intentionally by you the user as browser add-ons for various tasks such as quick search tools. But they also come with the result of added annoying pop-ups and ads. Other times they 'piggy back' with other software that you installed, or try to 'sneak' onto your system entirely.
The key to avoiding them is to make sure that when downloading apps one does so from the author's own website or one that they have recommended, and not 3rd party downloading site.
WSA does detect and remove many PUA's, and more are being added, but WSA does not detect all of them. A simple browser add-on with PUA behaviour that is easy to identify and easy to remove is not likely to be detected and removed by WSA. Those that are intentionally difficult to locate and remove are. Please see THIS LINK for more information regarding Webroot's stance on these annoying programs.
If you feel or consider yourself technically proficient then you can try these steps to remove it from your system.
However, if that does not work or you do not feel technically capable then the best thing to do is to Open a Support Ticket & ask Webroot Support to take a look and remove these for you.  There is NO CHARGE for this for valid WSA license holder.
Also, some of the popups may be remedied by installing/using a suitable popup blocker and there a number that we can recommend depending on which browser(s) you use, so do post back with that information.
Hope that helps?  And for the future in relation to the question post in the forum relevant to your version of WSA, unless of course you want to start a request for a new feature.
Regards, Baldrick
