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After Installing Webroot some important software does not work on my computer

  • July 6, 2015
  • 1 reply

I recentely installed webroot to rid my laptop of some virus/spyware issues.  It worked great for this, but at the same time it rendered some softwares inoperable.  Some of them are every software made by the company Hondata.  I cannot open 3 different softwares that they make.  This is a problem because I use them quite frequently almost every day. 
After uninstalling everything webroot related that I can find it still will not open.  I have uninstalled their software and reinstalled them with no luck.  After opening the software it will show up for a few seconds in the process tree and then close.  Windows will log an error in event viewer saying that it cannot find a file it is looking for, but it does not say what file. 
Any idea on what is going on??

1 reply

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 725 replies
  • July 6, 2015
Hello @,

Welcome to the Webroot Community.
I apologize for the issue you are experiencing.
It sounds as if Webroot may not be classifying those programs incorrectly.

I would advise creating a support ticket here.
Our team can gather logs from the machine and find out what is going on that would cause this, and also resolve it for you free of charge.
Please do not hesitate to respond to me here if  you have any additional questions or concerns.

Best Regards,
