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Computer Freeze When Updating Amateur Radio Logging Program

I run N1MM+ logging program for amateur radio activities.  When downloading updates to this program my computer will freeze.  My only solution is a long press on the 'On' button and then reboot. The computer runs XP, SP3.  The freeze occurs when the new program begins to start up.  I run the same program on a separate laptop running Windows 7, and there are no problems when updating the logging.  On the Windows 7 machine a panel will appear asking me to allow the logging program to access the internet, etc.  On the XP machine, no such warning panel appears; the machine simply locks up.  What do I need to do to all my XP machine to continue to enable updates to the logging program?  Please be explicit as possible.
Thank you,

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  • August 19, 2015
Hello W8HAP, welcome to the Community!
I am not sure we are going to be able to find a good solution for you here, as chances are we just will not be able to find anyone who uses the exact same software.  The best place to start, either way, is to contact the software maker and ask them about continued Windows XP support, and if there are any other reports of problems with Windows XP.
On another note, we do commonly urge everyone to upgrade away from Windows XP.  Since Microsoft no longer supports it, many software vendors no longer do either.  (Webroot does still support XP)
Let us know what the software maker has to say!

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  • August 19, 2015
The logging program programmers have referred this to Webroot. I am not aware of other users reporting a similar issue. The type of program is probably not important. More important is the behavior of Webroot between the two machines--Win 7 and XP.  Win 7 asks for authority to proceed with the program.  XP does not.  It simply freezes the machine.  I need to continue to using the XP machine and the constant flow of updates to the program.
Thank you,

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  • August 19, 2015
OH I see.. it is a Webroot pop up asking.  I am sorry, that was not clear in your original post, and so I thought it was coming from the logging program itself, not Webroot.
Lets try this:
Open WSA
Click the 'gear tool' next to PC Security
Click the tab that says Block/Allow Files
At the bottom right, click the Add File button
Navigate to the main executable file of the logging program and select it
See if that will help, and we will go from there.
Again, apologies for not realizing the source of the popup, 

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  • August 19, 2015
Thank you, David.  I did as you suggested and the machine still freezes.  I actually tried this before with the same result.
Any other thoughts?
Again, thanks.
Rob, w8hap

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  • August 19, 2015
How long has Webroot been installed on that Windows XP machine?  How long has the problem been happening?
If the answer to the first question is quite a while, and the answser to the second is just aournd 24 hours or so, it might be an issue with the newly released version of WSA, or it may not have installed itself quite right.  Rare, but things can happen.
Have you tried a clean install of WSA?
  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings if asked to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
This usually is pretty quick. As small as WSA is, it usually only takes a few minutes to do this.
Let me know, 
Davd, W9FUE

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  • August 19, 2015
The problem arose about a month ago.  All prior updates to the N1MM+ have been seamless.  Apparently, there was a change in the signing process at the programmers' end and this resulted in the XP freezing, but not Win 7. I am not aware of any other N1MM+ users reporting this issue--many still use XP.
Webroot Secure Anywhere has been on the XP and Win 7 machines for a good year.  I had accepted all WSA defaults on both machines.
I may try to do as you suggest later in the day.  
Again, I appreciate your advice.
73, Rob, w8hap

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  • August 19, 2015
Give it a try later on today, and do please let me know if it helps.  There are at least one other option we can go after if the reinstall does not work.
73, David, W9FUE

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  • August 19, 2015
Your instructions have been followed.  A reinstall does not work.  Same issue--locked computer.
However, after uninstalling WSA I downloaded the newest verstion of N1MM+ and it installed promptly.  After reinstalling WSA I tried again and the machine locked up with no warning messages.  Now as I begin to close the machine down WSA is asking me if I want to install the "Webroot Filtering Extension".  I will hold off on that until I hear from you.
Barring the ability to download new updates with WSA running, can I turn off WSA settings while trying to download--this without having to uninstall/reinstall each time.
I've had Microsoft Security Essentials on the machine previously.  I assume it is no longer working.
BTW, N1MM+ is the premier contesting logging program.
Thank you, David
Rob, w8hap

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  • August 19, 2015
Go ahead and let the Webroot Filter Extension install.  That is a browser 'add on', and it is a legit part of Webroot.  
As for shutting WSA down, yes you can try that.  Down at the system tray by the click, if you rigth click the Webroot icon you can select Shut Down Protection.  This will kill ALL Webroot processes running.  Shut down WSA, do the install/update of N1MM+, and then restart Webroot by simply going to the Start menu.
If WSA comes up, and the computer does not freeze up, open WSA and go through the steps I mentioned before to make sure it is listed still.
Then, lets add it to Identity Protection as well.
Open WSA
Click the gear tool next to Identity Protection
Click Application Protection
Look to see if N1MM+ is listed.  If so, make sure Allow is marked.  If it is not listed, click the Add Application and manually add it.  
This area is really intended mostly to protect data in Web browsers, etc, so I do not think it is the culprit, but it will not hurt to make sure.
If none of the above work, you can have Webroot Support take a look too.  I am out of ideas, but they may be able to find the problem and correct it as well.  There is no charge for this as long as you have a valid Webroot key code :)
?? might also have additional ideas.
David, W9FUE  (I have not been on the air for a while.. but I am itching to get my antennae up and my rig warmed up)

Gold VIP
Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
You could try and Turn off WSA to see if it's the issue? But the best bet is to Contact Webroot Support like ? said!
Daniel ;)


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  • August 20, 2015
Thank you David.  There is partial success.  Your suggestion to include the N1MM+ exe file in the Identity/Application panel succeeded in avoiding computer lockup.  I consider it partial success since I do not know whether each new weekly update to the program will be required to be individiually added. 
Still there is a bug within WSA itself that should be fixed.  Whereas WSA under Win 7 will provide two pop-up panels to ask that the program be allowed to run, WSA under XP does not.  Instead WSA freezes the computer.  I will try to alert WSA support about this.
On last minor question:  If I am operating portable without access to the internet and need to revert to a prior version of the logger, can I disable WSA, should it be required, to bring up a prior proogram.  When disabling WSA with internet access, the program asked to have certain letters/numbers typed in before proceeding.  I assume these were provided through the internet. If so, then how can one disable WSA from the field?
Again, many thanks for the helpful suggestions and advice.
73, Rob, w8hap

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  • August 20, 2015
Good morning!  I am glad we are getting closer!
Ok, as for shutting down WSA, when mobile and not connected to the internet, that should be no problem at all.  Personally I consider it safe as you are not connected to the internet during those situations, so that is not a worry.  As for the code you need to type in....  
Open WSA
Click Advanced Options at the upper right corner
Click Access Control on the left column
In here you will find the settings for the "CAPTCHA" of random letters/numbers.  Remove the check marks from the two items that mention CAPTCHA.
Click Save.
Done :)
73, David, W9FUE
