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Will Malwarebytes anti-malware play nice with webroot?

  • December 1, 2015
  • 2 replies

I was.gifted a copy of Malwarebytes anti-malware Premeium and was wondering if it will run fine since I already run webroot ? Will it give me anymore protection? So far I have had webroot save me a few times so dont feel the need for more anit-virus, sut since it was free, kind if wanted to go ahead and install it. Any thoughts, anybody?

2 replies

  • Moderator
  • 21867 replies
  • December 1, 2015
Hello bhatchel,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
The answer to that is yes you can. Some of us do run MB without an issue. They do play nice together!
Please have a look at this thread
Also this thread
Hope this helps?

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • December 1, 2015
To make a clarification: shortly after my own reply on the second link Sherry provided, I DID install it on my computer, and it has been on it ever since.  They get along very well together.
With most of other 'additional AV's', you need to install the other one first, and WSA second.  You do NOT need to do that in this case.  After upgrading to Windows 10 I installed WSA first, and MBAM a few days later with no issues.
