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Windows 10 does not recognize Web Root's firewall

  • February 27, 2016
  • 8 replies

On Windows 10 I am getting Dell Help and Support notifications that I'm running two anti virus applications which may conflict. I confirmed I have Windows Defender shut down. I note I had both Windows Firewall and Web Root firewall turned on. Turning off one or the other firewall generates notifications of a security concern.
Why won't Windows 10 and Dell's Help and Support app recognize when the Web Root firewall is active?
Also, when I look at my Start Up apps I see two lisitngs for WebRoot.
webroot installer
webroot secure anywhere
Is this the correct boot startups for Web Root?

Best answer by Ssherjj

Hello Scooter962,
Sorry this is so confusing for you. I need to try and explain what I have said in previous post.
The firewall portion of WSA does not run under Windows 8, 8.1 or Windows 10.  This is because Microsoft has built those OS's to not allow 3rd party firewalls to actually do anything, the built in Windows Firewall handles all of it.  There is no need to enable the WSA Firewall on those operating systems, nor can it be done.

Below are a few links that might help you understand WSA Firewalls.
Since Windows 8.1 see what was said here in this thread in the Idea's exchange: and note what was quoted by Joe back then:
My advice would be to Submit a Support Ticket and have them check out your system and where the conflicts are,as to why Webroot is changing to orange and to look into your Dell messages.
This is a free service with an active Webroot subscription. They usually will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
Hope this helps somewhat?
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8 replies

  • Moderator
  • 21867 replies
  • February 27, 2016
Hello Scooter962,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
Windows 10 will not allow you to have both Windows Defender and Webroot enabled at the same time. This is a function of Windows, not Webroot. The same will be true of any AV you install on Windows 10.

If you had Windows Defender active at the time you installed Webroot, Webroot will have become the active AV software, and Windows will have automatically disabled Windows Defender. In the event that Webroot is disabled or uninstalled, Windows will automatically re-enable Windows Defender and keep it turned on until you enable or re-install Webroot.
But if you want to look here at this KB Article it will tell you how to run Windows Defender.
IMO you only need Webroot for full priotection which far surpassess WD.
The firewall portion of WSA does not run under Windows 8, 8.1 or Windows 10.  This is because Microsoft has built those OS's to not allow 3rd party firewalls to actually do anything, the built in Windows Firewall handles all of it.  There is no need to enable the WSA Firewall on those operating systems, nor can it be done.
The items in the start menu are important.. do not disable. What they do is check for any updates to WSA and the browser extensions.
webroot installer
webroot secure anywhere
Hope this helps?

Gold VIP
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  • February 27, 2016
Hi Scooter962
Welcome to the Community Forums.
There is in fact a tweak (to the Registry) that can be made to allow WSA & Windows Defender to run together on one's system...however as it is a case of making a change to the Registry it is something that we do not publish openly. It is not something that Webroot Support Team will support, and one would make the change entirely at one's own risk.
So if interested please post back and we can provide that...but as Sherry says...why run WD when WSA provides far better protection. :D
Regards, Baldrick

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
  • March 3, 2016
Hi Sherry,
Thanks so much for the prompt follow-up. I'm impressed.
Yes, I'm aware that Windows 10 will disable WD when WSA is active. I went to Control Panel and verified that WSA is active and WD is disabled.
I continue to get messages in the Windows 10 pop-up notification area about running two firewalls. If a disable the Windows firewall I get a Windows security warning. If I activate the Windows firewall and deactivate the WSA firewall, the WSA interface turns from green to orange(?) as some sort of warning. As I write this, I have Windows firewall disabled and WSA firewall active.
Are you saying I should disable the WSA firewall and only run Windows firewall?
I read, somewhere on the Web Root website that I should be able to run both simultaneously. Not true?
Thanks again.

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
  • March 3, 2016
Hi Baldrick,
Thanks to you also for the registry suggestion. I appreciate the offer but I understand the risks with messing with the registry and I don't feel competent enough that I want to try that. I'd be happy just running WSA alone.
As I mentioned to Sherry, I'm not running WD and WSA at the same time. When I activated WSA Windows 10 shut down WD, however, it appears Windows firewall remained active. I activated WSA and the WSA firewall and then got messages from Dell Help & Support and from the Windows 10 notification pop-out bar to check for conflicting security settings.
I am having no problem with WSA anti-virus or malware protection. It's appears that Windows 10, Dell and WSA seem to think my firewall setting is wrong and I'm not sure what is best.
Sherry says disable the WSA firewall and just run Windows firewall. I read somewhere, maybe on this website, that the WSA firewall does a better job of monitoring outbound threats than Windows firewall. What should I do?

  • Moderator
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  • Answer
  • March 3, 2016
Hello Scooter962,
Sorry this is so confusing for you. I need to try and explain what I have said in previous post.
The firewall portion of WSA does not run under Windows 8, 8.1 or Windows 10.  This is because Microsoft has built those OS's to not allow 3rd party firewalls to actually do anything, the built in Windows Firewall handles all of it.  There is no need to enable the WSA Firewall on those operating systems, nor can it be done.

Below are a few links that might help you understand WSA Firewalls.
Since Windows 8.1 see what was said here in this thread in the Idea's exchange: and note what was quoted by Joe back then:
My advice would be to Submit a Support Ticket and have them check out your system and where the conflicts are,as to why Webroot is changing to orange and to look into your Dell messages.
This is a free service with an active Webroot subscription. They usually will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
Hope this helps somewhat?

Gold VIP
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  • 16060 replies
  • March 3, 2016
Hi Scooter962
At this risk of sounding trite, before submitting the support ticket suggested by Sherry, you could try an uninstall/clean reinstall of WSA, as that may well assist with 'normalising' things re. your instance of WSA. If you would ike to try that then please follow the steps below closely!
  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example:SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and do NOT import any settings if offered by the installer; to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
Then check on the situation with the firewalls/what WSA is reporting. If no change then go ahead and open the support ticket to get the SupportTeam to investigate the issue for you.
Regards, Baldrick

I know this is necroposting, but I'm pretty disappointed by both the performance of this product and the attitude displayed.
When I look at my Webroot status on the main Webroot screen, it tells me Firewall: On.
In fact, I've referred to this status when looking at this Windows alert before, thinking..."Oh...OK then...I'm covered."  I find it EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING to need to check a forum thread to find out that your product is lying to me.
As to other 3rd party firewalls, Windows has offered me a choice to use a Barracuda firewall if I wish, so I somewhat suspect that it's not just the Webroot control panel that's lying here.  I now find myself in a situation where I'm essentially not trusting anything about your product or the information presented by these forum posts.
Let's go with just a simple question, since this IS an old thread...  Have you updated the product yet to not lie about Firewall coverage on it's status screen?

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • November 6, 2017
Hi aphillipsvtg
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Webroot is not lying to least I can find no evidence of that in terms of the security of my system.
If you want to check the status of security on your system please type 'Check Security Status' into the Winodws Search option  (Magnifying Glass in bootom lefthand corner of the taskbar) and click on the program option presented and that should give you the position in terms of security.
Regards, Baldrick
