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Why does my new Webroot not have Identity Shield under Identity Protection? Only Phishing Shield.

  • March 4, 2016
  • 1 reply

I may have already answered my question just by registering...anyway, I just renewed my Webroot and now do not have the Identity Shield tab under the Identity Protection console.  Only the Phishing Shield remains and is turned on.  It no longer shows me with a green check that sites are safe plus I am getting weird emails, so I feel like my information is no longer safe.  What is wroong?  Is it because of the type of webroot I now have?  

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • March 4, 2016
Hi eMmMcaKbIT68--
Welcome to the Community Forums.
This does not sound right and as a result I would like youto undertake an uninstall/clean reinstall to see if that will sort the issue. If you are happy to do so then please follow the steps below closely!
  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example:SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE). If you need the Mac version then please say!
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and do NOT import any settings if offered by the installer; to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
 Now check out the Identity Shield setting an post back withthe results.
Regards, Baldrick
