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Is the browser filtering extension the same as Identity shield?

  • June 3, 2016
  • 1 reply

I read that WAS "Identity Shield" is very good for secure banking, etc.  When I installed WAS Antivirus this morining, I saw the Firefox extension "Webroot Filtering Extension."
How much overlap is there, if any, between "Identity Shield" and the browser "Webroot Filtering Extension"?
While poking through WAS settings and the on-line user manual, I've seen "Web Shield."  Does this have anything to do with WAS "Identity Shield" and/or "Filtering Extension"?
I'm really interested in using WAS "Identity Shield" for shopping & banking sites.  I'm wondering how to do this with WAS Antivirus.
Thanks to anyione who can sort this out!

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • June 3, 2016
Hi Like2know
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Whilst both features are distinct/separate there is some crossover in the area of anti phising with the Filtering Extension playing a role in that element of the identity protection provided by WSA.
Please take a look at this page from the online help text and post back with any detailed questions you may have.
Regards, Baldrick
