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I just purchased the renewal but did not get a download

  • September 3, 2016
  • 3 replies

how do I update my system

3 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • September 3, 2016
Hi Roian
Welcome to the Community Forums.
If you purchased a 'real' renewal, i.e., from Webroot, then you will not get a download but rather the time for the new subscription period will be added to you existing keycode and you should the 'Subscription' days in the main app panel increase to be whatever time you had left on the current subscription + the new subscription days.
You continue to use the installation of WSA that you have on your system.
Regards, Baldrick

Gold VIP
Just to add to what Baldrick said WSA is always up to date as they don't use the year anymore and with an active subscription you will always have the latest and greatest version but if you want to check your version just look here for the latest which is currently v9.0.11.70 for the PC version: and if you ever need the installer just visit here:

  • New Voice
  • 11 replies
  • September 6, 2016
You can also re-download a legitimate copy of the installer through related links in your console. NOTE: There's a slight bug in the account data you may detect after renewal: When Webroot initializes after rebooting, if you renewed before expiration AND THAT DATE HAS NOT YET PASSED, you may get a system tray warning (Windows 10) that your subscription needs renewal. Don't freak out; just look at Subscription Days remaining in GUI.
