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So-Called "Master Password"

  • September 6, 2016
  • 6 replies

In order to use many aspects of my Webroot security, I need to enter a "Master Password." Apparently, there is no way to initialize the password, nor is there implemented any manner of retrieval (forgot master password, which in this case would be a lie since I never HAD one).
I would really like to be able to store and edit profiles in my console, manage passwords, et cetera, AND I CAN'T. I find this security less than practical, to put it diplomatically. So far, including the necessity of registering and entering the user community, one must utilze no less than FOUR unique, differing passwords (of course, if one were a complete idiot, one could make all the passwords the same) to access and utilize everything available to a valid accountholder.
As it stands, I cannot "convince" the password manager to manage my passwords. Currently I rely upon manually-devised passwords and a leading office suite's spreadsheet application to manage my passwords, and—silly me—I thought it was a good idea to increase security.
In the event my "real" question got lost in all my bitter griping and grousing, Webroot keeps asking for a password that I never set in the FIRST place, the Master Password. My 31-character Webroot password doesn't work—nothing does.

6 replies

  • 2804 replies
  • September 6, 2016
Hell MadAsDamnedHell,
It sounds to me like you haven't created your online account and registering with Webroot.
Please go here and select "Sign up Now" to do this.
If you DID already do this then choose the "Forgotten Password" option of this same screen.
As far as passwords, for security reasons your Community password is different from you Web Console password. The console also asks for a security code (chosen during online account setup). You can choose to turn of the asking for the security code if you'd like. (Click Manage users in drop-down menu near email address in upper-right of Console then select "person" icon on right of screen, then check or uncheck the box for "Use security code during login") I don't recommend this but if two passwords are too much to remember when logging in the web console then this will help.
I have no idea what you mean by "My 31-character Webroot password." Webroot only provides a 20-digit keycode (Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX) it's up to you to choose passwords/secutity codes.
Hope this info helps,

  • 2804 replies
  • September 6, 2016
@MadAsDamnedHell wrote:
In the event my "real" question got lost in all my bitter griping and grousing, Webroot keeps asking for a password that I never set in the FIRST place, the Master Password. My 31-character Webroot password doesn't work—nothing does.
I'm a bit confused. I've just read your other posts here in the Community where you give advice on downloading the Webroot installer from the Web Console. So, YES, you did set this password or you would not be able to access your Web Console. The password for the Web Console is the same for the Password Manager.
So I really gotta ask, what exactly is the problem???

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 11 replies
  • January 27, 2018
Due to a snafu (my own darned fault), I was forced to change ALL of my passwords—and I mean all of them, even my PC login. After about forty-five minutes of login errors, I discovered that Webroot Console was the same as (thanks for making that crystal-clear, rocket scientists!). Trying to log into the Webroot Community, I discovered that was a different set of login credentials (and why should it not be, right?), and in the process discovered how to change the master password.
I'm using Webroot Password Manager to generate secure passwords. I can do that manually, but generating complex, secure, and unique passwords for more than fifty sites can be rather taxing, don't you know! I like to employ characters that bear superficial resemblances to each other but which are, in fact, discrete (different). Numeric One, lowercase "ell," uppercase "ell" all resemble each other, as do numeric Zero, lowercase "ess," uppercase "ess," et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum. Webroot Password Manager's autogenerated passwords aren't nearly as complex and secure, but if you have to change over fifty passwords, I'm sure you can see the temptation.
At any rate, to change the master password, just say you forgot it and request a reset. Very darned annoying, but it frakkin' works.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 11 replies
  • January 27, 2018
The PROBLEM was I couldn't log in. That seems pretty darned clear. I applied your solution—but had not read your solution. Explanation: I figured it out months later on my own through trial and error. I genuinely appreciate your help, though.
Part of the problem is that I'm autistic. I'm very literal-minded. I follow instructions explicitly, and in the absence of clear instructions, I attempt to deduce or infer what I should do, and the trouble with that is that people devising protocols governing such matters don't always follow the straightest logical paths; not everyone follows the same rule book. It matters not a whit whether or not I'm right (or think I'm right)—what matters is if I can figure out what actually is required of me, regardless of whether or not I would implement it differently.
Adapt or die. I adapted. Thanks for your help—really, BurnDaddy; no sarcasm intended at all.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1376 replies
  • January 29, 2018

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  • New Voice
  • 11 replies
  • May 7, 2018
I also discovered another problem—to which I also discovered the solution, while I was attempting to set up my other computer to access the Webroot Console: The other computer had an expired keycode, and I could not log into the console. I had to add the "new" (current) keycode on this computer (a patently ridiculous requirement, as this computer shows 147 days left in my subscription) and selected the "New Console" option. Before generating the new Master Password, which would allow me to access both consoles (mighty confusion on this matter!), I could not access the console at all through the Firefox extension.
After setting the new password, I still could not log in through the Firefox extension, although the web page would allow it. I kept trying, frustration and short temper mounting, until, at last, the login was accepted. Evidently, it takes fifteen to thirty minutes for the updated password to properly register through the extension.
It was really driving me nuts as I had NO protection on the other computer (despite the fact it had been added to the account protection already), and repeated promises and assurances that password resets had been sent to my email account were outright LIES—the only email I got was the one that finally allowed me to set the newest console (master) password.
Don't get me wrong: I recognize Webroot as the best protection on the planet, hands-down. I've been using Webroot products since 2003, and international IT consultation firms use it to protect their corporate data infrastructures. In the past ten years, only TWO viruses have slipped past Webroot on my machines.  I think that's a pretty darned good record. After buying Webroot, I'll never use "free" protection ever again. It's just…that password management is screwy and buggy, and that's a problem, as it prevents timely access to protection that has already been paid for.
