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Web browser cookies - security vulnerability to avoid? or necessity

  • September 14, 2016
  • 3 replies

When I ran the system analyzer it gave me almost the highest mark minus 1 or 2 points.
The point deduction was due to presence of cookies in my computer.
My question is: do we need to delete them? or it will cause problems in surfing to known safe sites?
because I know that cookies are meant to help sites know that I've been using the site in the past, and
to know who I am.
Lior Fiterstein

3 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • September 14, 2016
Hi Lior
Welcome to the Community Forums.
The only downside to deleting cookies is that you'll have to re-enter your username/password for certain sites that require for you to identify yourself for certain functionality or access. So on that point your are quite correct.
As to whether ypu need to delete them per se...well, that is a moot point. I personally set up my browsers to block only 3rd party site cookies, restricting access to cookies from the site that I am on. Some scupulous remove them all the time.
The only down side to keeping them is that in some cases cookies can be used for malicious purposes, as they store information about a user's browsing preferences and history, both on a specific site and browsing among several sites, cookies can be used to act as a form of spyware. However, in the vast majority of cases they are benign, especially if one's surfing habits don't included the 'darker' sites on the Web.
Perhaps the best ap'roach is a periodic clear out of cookies; to make sure that you get rid of any that you may well not use again as, after all, for those sites that you do it will not be arduous to be re-cookied, etc.
Just my thoughts...which I hope are of use?
Regards, Baldrick

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 1 reply
  • September 14, 2016
Thank you Baldrick, I guess i'll wipe them periodicly.
And see whether it does not affect my browsing.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • September 14, 2016
Hi Lior
You are most welcome...glad to be able to assist. :D
Regards, Baldrick
