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Do i still have protection Even i lost my internet connection ?

New Voice
Dear wrComuunity,
i want to know,do i still have protection even i lost my internet connection ?
beacuse wr Av is cluod based.
i Will appreciate any help,
Thank you

Best answer by Baldrick

Hi ELn752Q
A good question oft raised in the past. And the answer is 'YES' based on enhanced heuristics & a small 'local' signature database.
Please see THIS previous email thread. The answer by the very well respected ex-Community Manage @, provides what you need to know.
In addition, THIS further previous thread provides additional please note that it refers to WRSA's previous UI and so the functionality referred to will be found in a different place to where it is in the current UI...but the functionality is there/does work.
If that does not help then please post back.
Regards, Baldrick
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Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • May 13, 2018
Hi ELn752Q
A good question oft raised in the past. And the answer is 'YES' based on enhanced heuristics & a small 'local' signature database.
Please see THIS previous email thread. The answer by the very well respected ex-Community Manage @, provides what you need to know.
In addition, THIS further previous thread provides additional please note that it refers to WRSA's previous UI and so the functionality referred to will be found in a different place to where it is in the current UI...but the functionality is there/does work.
If that does not help then please post back.
Regards, Baldrick

New Voice
  • New Voice
  • May 13, 2018
Baldrick  ,Thank you very much for your answer :-) 

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • May 13, 2018
Hi ELn752Q
You are most welcome. Happy to be able to help. :D
Regards, Baldrick

  • May 15, 2018
The broad answer is YES, but in fact your protection is ZERO without Internet connection.
Without cloud connection , Webroot has an insignificant signature database and a heuristic engine.
You can judge yourself.

  • May 16, 2018
@ wrote:
A good question oft raised in the past. And the answer is 'YES' based on enhanced heuristics & a small 'local' signature database.
And also journaling and rollback particularly comes into its own here.
It is very important to understand that, unlike most other AVs, Webroot categorises files into three types: good, bad and unknown.
As @, @ and @ point out in the excellent threads that @ points us to:
  • Any new, unknown file that enters your system will be put "on probation" until such time as Webroot can determine its status.
  • Its privileges will be strictly limited so that, for example, it is not allowed to access any of your personal and private data (many other restrictions as well)
  • Any changes it is allowed to make to your system will be monitored, journaled and subsequently rolled back if it is later found to be malicious.
Trust me and @ and @ and others who have been using this technology well before Webroot SecureAnywhere saw the light of day (Webroot acquired this technology from British-based Prevx in 2010 and introduced it into their AV technology with their Webroot SecureAnywhere product in 2012; we had been using Prevx's technology for many years before that). Our experience was that it covered our backs extremely effectively, and has continued to do so, in ways that other AVs had sadly failed to do to our systems. Personally, I have never knowingly been infected on any of my machines since moving, in 2006, to Prevx/Webroot *.
*which I cannot say for other AV household names I had previously used.

  • May 16, 2018
Jurnaling is a nice thing , however if a malware will perform changes to make PC unbootable , there is nothing to jurnal back.
This is the real issue :"Trust me and @Baldrick and @TripleHelix and others "
Users want to trust a well known third party entity which will test Webroot, not people who have an affiliation with Webroot.

  • May 16, 2018
No affiliation here. I'm just a convinced user.
Sharing my personal experience.

  • May 16, 2018
"No affiliation here"
"Comunity leader "  ??????

  • May 16, 2018
@ wrote:
"No affiliation here"
"Comunity leader "  ??????
I never gave myself that name, and I never particularly wanted it.

New Voice
  • New Voice
  • May 16, 2018
Thank you very much for your Comprehensive answer 😃

  • May 16, 2018
I hope it helps you to understand better how Webroot works 😃

  • May 17, 2018
It took me a while myself to understand how Webroot's technology works 😉.
