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Lost access to password manager even though I have a valid license code

A while ago before my old license key expired, I loaded a new Internet Security Plus 5 seats license in my console manager.
Today I wasn't able to use the password manager, and I got a message that the license had expired.
I logged to my console, and I found out that the password manager is still tied to the old code, and I have no way to switch it to the new code, like I did for my desktop and mobile endpoints, so I'm stuck.
I've opened a ticked but of course being the week-end I bet won't get a reply any time soon.
There are things I need to do ASAP, and I can't because all my online passwords are inside the Webroot password manager, and I can't use that functionality even though I paid for it.
I find it utterly ridiculous that the user doesn't have an autonomous way to transition the password manager to a new valid license code.
How could your developer team overlook such a huge limitation in your system? Frankly, so far I was very satisfied with SecureAnywhere but this sloppy design is causing me to seriously reconsider my renewal.

Best answer by nic

Thanks - got the PM and contacted support to get an escalation and get you taken care of!
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Gold VIP
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  • May 11, 2014
Hi weresloth
Sorry to hear that you are not happy.  Unfortunately, the way that the software works, as you have rightly surmised, is that the PM data, because it is held online so that it can be shared with other devices, is controlled by the license code.  And basically, if you decide to buy a new keycode rather than renew (and there are a lot of legitimate reasons for doing that) you either need to get the passwords transferred to the new keycode or ask that the time from the new keycode is transferred to the current/to expire keycode (but I believe that the latter can only be done if the old and new keycodes are for the same version/no. of seats, etc.).
You have done the right thing by submitting a Support Ticket, and hopefully therein you have impressed upon Support the urgency of rectifying the situation for you?  If not then update the Ticket to that effect.  Support do work 24/7 although at weekends the response times may well be longer.
I am not sure if our most excellent Community Manager @ or one of our most excellent Mods like @ can do anything to speed the process up once they come online...but they are now tagged and hopefully can advise if there is a 'fastpath' to resolve this for you.
Finally, I hear what you are saying about the lack of an " autonomous way to transition the password manager to a new valid license code".  Sound like an excellent idea and if you hgave the inclination I would recommend that you take a little time and raise a feature request via the Ideas Exchange (see top of any page for the link).  The great thing about this approach is that other users can review, comment and most importantly regesiter their support for your idea if they believe that it is worthy, and the Development team to regularly review the requests and respond with either and/or comments and status updates on specific feature requests.
Appreciate that the above does not help in the short term but hopefully provides a little more info and some further options.

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  • New Voice
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  • May 11, 2014
Thanks Baldrick for your reply.
This whole password manager fiasco has put me in a very bad situation, since I have strict time constraints and I'm forced to sit here and watch the screen while being unable to do anything useful.
If tags work in attracting @ 's or @ 's attention, then they might want to know that the email address I used to open my ticket is the same I'm using to post here.
Don't take it personally, I know you are trying to help, but I find it really absurd that a feature request like transitioning the password manager to a new license code is even necessary.
I mean, we are talking about a basic functionality, like being able to keep using a fundamental and potentially blocking product feature when you acquire a new license in a legitimate way other than direct renewal.
Seriously, I can do that for all other product features, so how exactly should I have expected the password manager to be different? I just figured I'd swap codes when I got an expiration message.
Now I've even read I risk losing all my passwords because I let the code to expire. That's complete nonsense. It seems you guys are trying to piss your customers off systematically with the password manager.

Gold VIP
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  • May 11, 2014
Hi weresloth
I completely understand your frustration and do not take your comments personally. ;)
I am hoping that someone with the right level of authority will be along shortly to sort you out, and I think that there is a grace period between license expiry and the time when details can no longer be retrieved from your old keycode (30 days I believe...but don't quote me on that as I am not sure).
I will keep an eye on who is online and if I spot someone who I think may be able to help I will PM them to get their attention/check out if they can etc.

Gold VIP
While it is the weekend, and thus likely no Community staff online, the Ticketing System is manned 24/7, including weekends.  Tickets are obviously answered in the order recieved, but chances are you will recieve a reply today.

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  • May 11, 2014
Hi David
Thanks for precising & clarifying on this point.  Much appreciated.

Gold VIP
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  • May 11, 2014
Hi Roy @ 
Noticed you around a while back...if yo are still about would you be able, as a Mod, to advise as to whether there is any way to help the OP out as quickly as possible re. the issue raised.  Looks like it needs to be sorted ASAP as it is impacting required use of the system.
Apprreciate that yo umay not be able to but justin case you are...;)

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  • New Voice
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  • May 12, 2014
It's now Monday morning here in Europe and still nothing.
I have a lot of sensible stuff in there, like my bank account login details, my credit card online account and so on. This has already damaged me and it's going to be much worse soon.
This is so poorly done on so many levels that I don't even know where to start.
Totally disappointed by a company that up until now seemed like it had put a lot of thought into their product.
I mean, I've checked in the forums, there was people having this exact same problem in January.
How can you guys know that you have such a time bomb out there, that is bound to negatively affect some of your customers and put them in trouble, and you do nothing about it? You let May come and the problem is still there. The user still can't activate a newly and legitimately acquired license code with the password manager without opening a ticket, and nothing is done to even notify him/her beforehand that the system has such a blatant deficiency.

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  • New Voice
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  • May 12, 2014
Great, now support replied "We ran into some trouble on our end while trying to move your account to your new keycode".
And no mod trying to offer any help.
I have no words. Or actually the ones I have would get me banned.

Gold VIP
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  • May 12, 2014
Hi weresloth
Sorry to hear that you are still unresolved.  Let me try our Community Manager @ again and see if he can fastpath some resolution for you or at the very least find out where the Support Team are re. resolving the "We ran into some trouble on our end while trying to move your account to your new keycode".

  • Author
  • New Voice
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  • May 12, 2014
thanks for trying to help.
This is the last reply I got from support:, about 30 mins ago:

Thank you for contacting Webroot Support. 

Our apologies for any inconvenience. For the issue you are reporting, we would like to work with you directly over the phone to resolve this as quickly as possible. 

Webroot’s US hours of availability are 7AM – 5PM MST, Monday through Friday. Please let us know your phone number, your time zone, and the best time frame to reach you during our hours so that we may contact you by phone. 

For contact information in other countries, click here. When the Contact Us page opens, click the tab for the country that works best for you. 


The Webroot Support Team"
I live in Italy, so it's complicated and costly for me to call the U.S.. Also, I really don't understand what a phone conversation could solve that can't be solved via normal ticket support. It's not like the problem is on the client side: I need the account to be revived, and that's not something I can help you guys with.
If you need proof of purchase no problem just ask.
Edit: also, if you need me to PM @ with my account details (e-mail, expred keycode, new keycode) I have no problem doing that. As long as this absurd situation is dealt with, I'm willing to cooperate.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • May 12, 2014
Sorry for the bad experience you are having.  An apologies for the late reply, as I was out Friday.  PM me all the details and I'll get an escalated support case opened to get this resolve for you.

Gold VIP
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  • May 12, 2014
Hi Nic
Thanks for the response.  I think that we here have exhausted all avenues unless one of the gurus 9and they know who they are ;)) has a brain wave.
Hope that you can 'weave your magic'...:D

  • Author
  • New Voice
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  • May 12, 2014
Hi NIc,
Thanks for trying to help.
I've sent you a PM with the details.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • Answer
  • May 12, 2014
Thanks - got the PM and contacted support to get an escalation and get you taken care of!

Gold VIP
Thanks Nic!!

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  • May 12, 2014
@ wrote:
Thanks - got the PM and contacted support to get an escalation and get you taken care of!
This is one of the examples how the real support should work ;)
Thanks Nic, Webroot rocks!

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  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 12, 2014
I'm happy to report that customer service was able to temporarily give me access to my old account, so I was able to backup all my passwords while waiting for them to move the account to the new keycode.
I'll update the thread when the account transfer will be complete, but I'm already in a much better position than I was previously, since at least now I have access to my passwords again.
I want to tank both @, for not dropping the ball on me, and @ for making sure my issue was properly dealt with.
I hope the ticket will be closed soon. But please, do something for this. The whole way the password manager keycode expiration works now, it's just looking for trouble really.
More and more people will post here with the same problem from time to time. It's bound to happen. And being locked out of one's passwords can easily lead to monetary damage. Please make sure the devs understand that something has to be done to prevent these situations from happening again.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • May 12, 2014
Thanks for letting us know and glad to hear that support was able to get you squared away.  Agreed that it can be a hassle and I'll pass that info up the chain to see what we can do to improve the process.

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  • May 12, 2014
Hi weresloth
As Nic said...glad to hear that you are sorted for the moment and can back to doing what you were looking to do with the passwords.  Hopefully you will be in a position to close the ticket shortly.  Do come back here and let us know when that has happened. ;)
Unfortunately, this episode happens occasionally, but luckily not that often, but I think that you have a point re. the underlying issue.
Hope that this has not dented your confidence in WSA, and that we will continue to see you about as a user.
All the best.

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  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 13, 2014
This morning when I checked my mail I found a message from Webroot support.
They password manager account has been moved to the new keycode. The ordeal is over.  :D
Thanks everybody.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • May 13, 2014
Glad to hear it!

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • May 13, 2014
Hi weresloth
Thanks for sharing...That is indeed good news.
Hope that you remain a Webroot user despite your unfortunate experience this once.

  • New Voice
  • 7 replies
  • August 19, 2014
I have the same issue please help me.

Gold VIP
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  • August 19, 2014
Hi jT415Gz
Have replied to you in this thread.
