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Some questions from a new user of Internet security plus.

I have had Webroot for a few weeks, and am quite impressed having had to abandon my former IS package after many years  when the latest version became bloated with a load of non-essential features and pop up reminders of their other products. It's nice to have something so slim:D
With Webroot being different to other Internet Security packages I have tried recently, with scans lasting a few minutes instead of a few hours etc I was a bit sceptical at first, but my faith in Webroot is increasing daily, especially after it has rid me of a few pua's and blocked a software download.
However I was rather surprised that Webroot warned me that Internet explorer is trying to connect to the internet and is not trusted, when I ran it !
My questions are:
1)  Do files that are quarantined stay in quarantine until I delete them, or are they deleted after a certain period of time ?
2)  Is there a firewall log, as I do not seem to be able to find one ?
3)  When the Identity and Shield and phishing shields etc. are enabled, am I totally safe when conducting online transactions and online banking ? How is Webroot protecting the data I enter into the browser ( I have recently been using Bitdefender's standalone Safe Pay which has a virtual keyboard. )
4) Is it ok to be running the Comodo Firewall together with Webroot (with firewall enabled) or will there be conflicts ?
They seem to co-exist happily at the moment, but I was wondering if, for example, Webroot found something nasty and started removing it and rolling things back, I am guessing that there may be a possiblity of a reaction blocking Webroots actions.
Thank you in advance for any answers.

Best answer by RetiredTripleHelix

Did you find out why Internet Explorer needed permission to access the Internet? Could it be a setting in the firewall?  did you contact support?
Also see picture below!
Daniel ;)

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13 replies

Gold VIP
Hello there, and welcome to the Webroot Community!
All I can say is WOW, that is a great first post....  I will try to get to as much as I can, there looks to be a lot of ground to cover.  @ perhaps you could also look this over at some point when you get a chance?
1) The quarantined files do indeed stay in the quarantine until you clear them.  They are quite safe there, and cannot do any harm, but they are not deleted automatically.  That is a good thing, just in case of a False Postive, you have the ability to restore them.
2) The firewall does not have a log that I am aware of. 
3) WSA's protection does keep you safe when using secure sites.  For your keystrokes to be stolen, the malware must have access to that data: See the User Guide related to this :)  Also, see this link from the Learn More button within the UI  🙂
4) As far as I know, there are no known issues with running Comodo Firewall and WSA together at this time, though in my own opinion there is no advandtage in doing so.

Gold VIP
Looks like you got everything covered David! But I am curious about why Internet Explorer is untrusted so I would suggest to Submit a Support Ticket to make sure all is fine with Internet Explorer and your system as they will look at your scan logs.
Daniel 😉

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  • June 21, 2014
😃 Welcome to the WSA Forum grumpfuttock  Great to have you here! It looks like David and TripleHelix have got this issue covered! 
Please post back the outcome so that we may help others out and come on back to just browse and look around!;)
Alot of Fun and knowlegable Members here...:D
Have a Great weekend.grumpfuttock ..:D

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  • June 24, 2014
Thank you David for your quick reply and helpful answers, also for that nice comment about my first post !

Also thanks to Triple Helix and Sherry. I must say that after looking through quite a number of posts on the forums, there is a very pleasant atmosphere in the community in comparison to some other AV forums I have looked at. :D

My comment about Webroot warning me about Internet Explorer wanting to connect to the internet, was the firewall dialogue box asking me to allow or block thew action. I was just a bit surprised that it was not whitelisted automatically. I have since realised that I had the firewall set to " Warn if any new, untrusted process attempts to connect to the internet." so I guess maybe it thought IE was untrusted because it was the first time I had run it and had not set any permissions. I usualyy use Firefox 99% of the time.

One last comment, this post was done a quick reply to David, as I could not find a reply button to post a general reply to all.

Gold VIP
Thank you John for the reply!  It is appreciated :)
As for making a "reply to all in general", you can scroll all the way to the top of the page and click the Reply button at the upper left corner of the thread, next to the Topic Options dropdown 🙂

Gold VIP
Did you find out why Internet Explorer needed permission to access the Internet? Could it be a setting in the firewall?  did you contact support?
Also see picture below!
Daniel ;)

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
Also thanks to Triple Helix and Sherry. I must say that after looking through quite a number of posts on the forums, there is a very pleasant atmosphere in the community in comparison to some other AV forums I have looked at. :D
Yes we are happy to hear as we strive to have the Best Community on the net we are all happy to help us Volunteers and Webroot Staff members!

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  • June 24, 2014
Yes Grumpfutlock, We love to hear your great comments but most of the credit goes to my dear Forum Members... @ and of course our awesome TripleHelix!

Great to have you posting and hope Daniels latest replies helped in answering your concern over IE.


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  • June 24, 2014
@ wrote:
One last comment, this post was done a quick reply to David, as I could not find a reply button to post a general reply to all.
Hi John! As everyone else said, Welcome to the Community!
Now, I could be wrong, but, the quick reply is still visible to everyone. You just cannot use special characters, images or smileys 😉 (or do a quote like above).  It's purely for a quick text only reply.
Hope this helps!

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  • June 24, 2014
You are right Daniel, it was set to that setting, I quoted the wrong setting in my answer, it was rather early in the morning, after a long day !
Thanks for the help, and thanks to everyone for their contributions and welcomes.

Gold VIP
Great to hear and for most users Default is all you need but if you change settings things like this can happen and you have to remember that you have change that setting it's a learning curve!
Daniel 😉

Good Morning grumpfuttlock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Webroot forum :D  You came to the right place for answers your in good hands with the Webrooter's here .....there is a wealth of knowledge and expertise within this forum...........its also one of if not the best friendlist forums on the web today.....enjoy and stay around.

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  • June 27, 2014
Good morning to you too,Antus67,  or probably  good afternoon/evening is more appropriate :D
(well they are all covered now !)
Thank you for the nice welcome :D
You are definitely right about the friendly forum ! 
After the security suite I had used for many years recently became bloated with unnecessary non security features and pop ups advertising for their other services,  I was forced to look for a better  solution. I discovered that a visit to a products forum is a good way to get an idea of its effectiveness and quality. The last product I tried had a fair number of rather vocal, disatisfied forum members. I first thought that some of the posters were just being provocative or just ignorant, as the product was very highly rated in AV tests, but after a few weeks of frustration using it (and some permanently deleted important files) I found that I was in agreement with a lot of them !
So I searched for something else...... which eventually led to Webroot.
I spent a few hours looking through a lot of the posts in the Webroot forums and was surprised to find that I really hadn't come across any irate people. After much reading, I did actually find someone who was slightly upset :D 
"Eureka, I've found one, nothings perfect !!!" I screamed (frightening the wife and terrifying the cat) but even he relaxed after one post from Baldrick:D
That was when it struck me that Webroot must be pretty effective, as everyone seemed so happy, contented and helpful !  So you see, the pleasant atmosphere of the Webroot forums resulted in a new customer, a trembling wife and a cat that won't come out from under the sofa !
