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renewed plan 2 days ago and shows expired

  • November 26, 2014
  • 4 replies

hello, i renewed the plan via geek squad 2 days ago but my subscription shows expired, also made a account via web with the keycode, and when i try to access to the "access web console" via the program(under the my account section) says the keycode its already registered. it's beacause im in mexico or somenthing? i buy the laptop in usa, i live in a frontier so i buy all of my stuff in Usa. also i tried to talk to Geek squad, but it transfers me automatically to best buy mexico... and they can't do anything :(
sorry about my english.

Hector R.

4 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1450 replies
  • November 26, 2014
Hello HectorRodrig, and Welcome to the Webroot Community,
When you say you "renewed", were you previously using the BestBuy version, as you would not have received a new keycode in that case.
This thread may help, and as I understand it BestBuy renewals take a little time to be processed:
If you were previously using the Webroot version, you would then need to do a clean install.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your Keycode
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
Please let us know if that resolves your issue?
Don't  worry, we'll soon get this resolved, and your English is pretty good also.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • November 26, 2014
There are a few things here I would like to bring up as well :)
To get into the onine Account, you need to use THIS LINK.  The link within the program to "Access the Web Console" has a bit of a glitch that we really should ask to be fixed: it always goes to the page to register the key code, which you already have.
As for it showing expired, lets try this.  Log into the Account using the link above.
Once logged in, click your email address at the upper right corner
Select Manage Key Codes from the drop down
Your keycode should display how many days are remaining, as well as the date that it is due to expire.
How many days does it show and what is the date listed?
What date did you originally purchase the computer?
Has your credit card been charged for the renewal yet?
One thing to note is that the Best Buy Susbsciption Software program IS indeed for within the United States only... This is why when you call Best Buy if you are transferred to Best Buy Mexico they cannot do anything.  They are not able to access those subscriptions at all.  
Hopefully we can figure things out here to save you from having to try to call them again!

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 1 reply
  • November 26, 2014
Thanks guys for the answers
@ yeah i was using the best buy version
@in the manage key codes section the days remaining shows "Expired" also when i renewed i notice in the uper part said expired in november 19, i don't remember well when i buy the laptop, i think somenthing between Oct-Nov. I don't have the receip with me right now. and for the credit card charge i don't know , but the recipt they send me after i renewed says it will be charged on nov 24 and my new expiration date is nov 23 2015 . but my program and web console shows "expired" .
Maybe i need to wait more time? :(

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • November 26, 2014
It sounds like your credit card either did not get processed or was declined for some reason.
This can actually get rather complicated, as I suspect I know what is going on.  Until a few months ago I had spent 3 years working for Geek Squad as the Subject Expert for the Subscription Services, which meant that any issues like you are having, if no one else could fix it, it came to me. 
I am, however, no longer working there due to health issues.

From the expiration date that you provided of November 19, without being able to actually SEE the account data at Best Buy or Webroot's side, it sounds like the renewal was actually due on or around September 19.
Best Buy has several deadlines / dates with these software subscriptions.  IF your renewal was actually due, as I suspect, on September 19, the following would apply:
  • September 19 renewal due
  • October 19: a 30 day grace period allowing WSA to continue protecting your computer, even though the account was over due.  From September 19 to October 19 the software would show you need to renew, but it would still work.
  • October 19 to November 19 the software is fully disabled as the 30 day operational grace period is over.  There is, however, an additional 30 days in which you can still renew insead of having to purchase a new copy/keycode.
  • After the November 19 expriation date / deadline, the account is in a "hard cancel" status and cannot be renewed for any reason.
I am aware of a problem with the Best Buy online account site however that is allowing subscriptions that are in the Hard Cancel status, and cannot be renewed, to allow a payment method be entered and still return the statement as you saw it letting you know what date the card would be charged.  The date given is simply the very next daily batch on which your card would be SUPPOSED to be charged.  In the event, however, that the subsciption is in that hard cancel state, the biling system, when it runs, will NOT attempt to bill your card.
If you are able to call 1800-GEEK-SQUAD, make sure to NOT make any options to be transferred to a Best Buy Mexico agent, try to handle speaking to an English speaking agent, and request to speak to Computing Services.
Ask them if the subscription is still in the Cancel Pending status, or if it is showing as Cancelled.
If it is showing as Cancelled, then it cannot be renewed and my suspicicions above are correct.
Our Community Manager @ is actually off work today, but in the event that he checks in anyway I will ask him to send you a private message.  If you provide him your Best Buy Serial Number OR the key code, he can check that dates that I mention above in Webroot's database and determine the answer as well.
EDIT  @  if you DO get through to Best Buy, please reply here with what they say.  While I am not WORKING for them at the moment, I AM still trying to gather a little data on situations in which the billing system did not work correctly so that they can get the problem fixed!
