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Firefox 43 64 bit and WPM

Just updated to latest Firefox and it has disabled the Webroot Password manager stating it is 'unsigned', and there is no option to enable it, only fully remove. is there a workaround without using About config broad brush option, or are there plans the verify the add on??

  • December 15, 2015
Firefox 43 ships with an override to install unsigned add-ons in the browser.
  1. Load about:config in the browser's address bar.
  2. Confirm you will be careful if the prompt appears.
  3. Search for xpinstall.signatures.required.
  4. Double-click the preference to set it to false.
Mozilla plans to remove the preference in Firefox 44.
Please don't remove message or link to ghacks.  I'm not posting info about other security. 
I'm not violating Guidelines.
I'm adding info to help Webroot user. 

  • December 15, 2015
Yes Webroot please sign the FF extension for the WPM. Thank you.

  • December 15, 2015
@ wrote:
Yes Webroot please sign the FF extension for the WPM. Thank you.
FWIW ~ I run LastPass from LastPass....and LP was disabled (unsigned) with FF43.
LastPass support had me pull fresh LP from addons.mozilla.
I installed n' updated and LastPass now shows enabled and signed.  

  • Popular Voice
  • December 16, 2015
Hi bjm, thanks for reply, I was aware that you could change this in about:config, but as add ons from 44 not signed will be disabled without any override, I have not done it. Actually reverted back to 42 where everything works ok. Was hoping that someone from Webroot would see this and say if they propose to get the WPM digitally signed, after all this has been advised since version 40 I think it was.

  • December 16, 2015
This issue with FF 43 led me to try the Waterfox browser. It is a 64 bit browser FF based browser. It uses your FF profile. Setup was a breeze and the WRPM works. From what I have read Waterfox will not have the signed extension restrictions in future releases. Worth a look.

  • Popular Voice
  • December 16, 2015
I have sent you a PM JIm on a side issue, but I see another poster is complaining of same thing in another thread. I have raised this with support.

  • Popular Voice
  • December 17, 2015
Support have come back with an answer and solution for now.
"Webroot is aware of the issue where Mozilla Firefox is reporting our Password Management Toolbar cannot be verified for use. We are still working with Last Pass and Mozilla on this to get our password manager add-on and our web-filter add-on certified so these messages go away. In the meantime, we ask that you follow the steps below to manually install the previous version of our Toolbar for your use.

1. Open the Firefox Browser.
2. Click the Menu button in Firefox and choose Add-ons.
3. Click Remove on the Password Manager.
4. Download and save the following file:
5. Reopen the Add-ons page in Firefox.
6. Drag and drop the file {8ac62a8b-8b3f-43ba-9b1a-90c299b9dfda}.xpi from the into the Add-ons page.
7. Click install and restart Firefox.
8. Go back to the Add-ons page in Firefox and click "More" under the Password Manager. (It should show version 2.5.0)
9. Please turn automatic updates to “Off."
10. Make sure the Password Manager is enabled.
11. It should now appear in your Toolbar.

Please note, on WIndows XP and FireFox v40 you cannot drag and drop the xpi file. Instead navigate to the extensions screen, click the 'cog' and select 'install from file', then select the extracted xpi file. "

  • Popular Voice
  • December 17, 2015
Bump....well that failed as FF refused to accept the file into add ons, stating it was corrupt!!! However I have just run the Toolbar fix, and WPM is now running after one reboot. tomorrow is another day though.

New Voice
Please also post a link to WSA+Firefox+Mac download / workaround if there is one? Safari is still ok but FF is the default browser of choice. If not available; I will change config setting. Thanks y'all and Season's Greetings!

  • Popular Voice
  • December 18, 2015
New WPM add on installed itself and seems to be working ok.

  • Moderator
  • December 18, 2015
Hello practicality,
@ wrote:
Please also post a link to WSA+Firefox+Mac download / workaround if there is one? Safari is still ok but FF is the default browser of choice. If not available; I will change config setting. Thanks y'all and Season's Greetings!
Here is the Toolbar fixes for FF and other browsers for a PC.amd a Mac are below:
Password Management Toolbar Fix Tool For PC:

Password Management Toolbar Fix Tool For Mac:
Hope this is what you are asking for?

New Voice
Forum|alt.badge.img+10 amazed me with quick response and a fix!  Will apply now.  Kudos!!!
On a heads up note: Firefox IS getting so restrictive...may need Safari just to go to this site in future.  I see it coming.  Kept telling me Java was off when anything needed was allowed for this site--within my security layers.
And...Yosemite was a painful upgrade--been postponing the latest OS.  Since it must happen soon, can you give me a link to WSA that works with the newest Mac OS horror--if it is even possible yet?
Sorry to add a Santa list but truly grateful for Webroot and very happy with it!

  • Moderator
  • December 18, 2015
Hello practicality.
I have a Mac runing OX El Capitan and Webroot is running just great with the new OS,
Here is a link.
Mac Download Link:
: Best Buy for Subscription Download Link for Mac:
Webroot always runs the latest version of Webroot since it updates from the cloud.
Hope this helps?

New Voice
A second quick and easy solution--you guys are on a roll!!!
Only thing left on my Santa list was the heads up that Firefox was making it harder to go to your site.  Solved for now by allowing a bit more through NoScript.  But it is much worse with other sites like: Publix or any General Mills site--only Safari will get me there.  So when FF gets too restrictive we will probably look for a new browser--and that's the long-term solution--unless this new FF4.3.0.1 update that just appeared helps.
So thanks all for AWESOME help!

  • Popular Voice
  • December 19, 2015
WPM 3.2.40 working fine with FF 43.0.1 on both computers.:D

New Voice
Solved the problem I had in using this site--Firefox was not necessarily blocking it (seemed to since only change was FF update)--I went to Mac/System Preferences/Java/Security tab and added this site to the exceptions list--fixed!

  • Moderator
  • December 20, 2015
Hi there! 
Thanks for letting us know. That was simple eh? 😉

New Voice
It Was easy--once I finally tracked it down! Following up, in Safari--WPM fix works great! Firefox--conversely, is locked in to old version--though I passively removed it in FF Add-ons before the fix. Webroot Password Mgr versions I now have: 3.2.41 Safari 3.1.1 Firefox If anyone had better luck with their Mac and FF, maybe there is something more or else I can do? Otherwise, I already had a password app so am fine to wait till after I update to El Cap. Maybe by then WPM and Filtering Extension will be signed (developers say it is an expensive process--sounds like extortion?) or I will find a better browser. Happy Holidays!

  • Moderator
  • December 20, 2015
Hi practicality,
Well that sounds good. I am having problems as well with Firefox but haven't had time to sort it out. I did revert to the old version of FF but forgot to stop it from automatically updating..ugh!
I will also revert to Safari and Chrome for my browsers because I don't like not having the WR Webfilter in FF. So I am waiting as well for the signed extension. I can run PWM just fine in FF but not the Webfilter like I said. My Mac isn't behaving with FF that's for sure. I do use the WR PWM so I am not having any problems there.
Thanks for the update and I didn't know that it was an expensive process for the Developers. Very interesting!
I do like El Capitan but the update took the disk permissions away which upset me a lot. Apple Support told me that El Capitan checks the permissions automatically. Well that's what they said.:@ believe or not. So Yosemite would of been difficult to revert back to after doing the upgrade. I felt I needed to upgrade in order to help the Mac users so that I could relate to them. Besides El Capitan does run quicker I feel...
Anyways Happy Holidays!!

New Voice
PS Thought I solved the last issue: trouble using community site.  But NoScript was blocking it this time.  For now, fixed by allowing all per page.  Usually, whitelisting top level site is enough.  (Macheads don't believe it but I lose random settings with every update.)  Later, will find what I need to allow permanently. 
So no problems.
Now for the big part: you installed El Cap sooner in order to help others and I have to say that your info already helped me a lot!!!  I am stubborn and want control--Mac really isn't a good match for me--so having a head's up was priceless.  Gives me a chance to research how to safely retain some specific permissions. 
Apple thinks everything should run like smart phones and iPads and to make it so, removes options with every update.  I'm all for running lean and secure but may be too individual for Macs today.  I'd like to be a teen but I am not.  Even things like black pages or background are difficult for me to see...same subject--FEATURE REQUEST?: how about a lighter WSA skin option?!  My temp fix for that: select all and text shows on web pages.  Not to sound even older but found a dimmer app when screen was burning my eyes--makes black pages even harder to see.
Anyway, thanks again and many blessings!

  • Moderator
  • December 21, 2015
Hi practicality,
That's great that I could assist you abut the upgrade to El Capitan. I thought you'd be interested.
It's very important that you do research before upgrading. I was very upset that I jumped the gun with excitement to upgrade for what I thought would be much better then Yosemite. I loved Yosemite but you really need to get a backup before upgrading.
Which I did have a backup to revert but my 1TB Transcend External drive went flakey on me and I had to send back to the manufacuture for a replacement..thus losing all Mac information saved. Silly me I will never learn not to upgrade so quickly. I went on the Apple Forum looking into reverting back to Yosemite and it's not for the faint of heart without having that Time Machine to use to revert. The Apple Tech said you really want to go back to Yosemite because of the Permissions? Why don't you like El Capitan he saids. I ended up buying more Ram for my old Mac because the problem with El capitan was it was freezing up and crashing my email. ( Apple Tech support advised me to get more ram) And then worked with me for days to fix the email crashing.  The Ram was only 28$, so well worth the investment.
 With El Capitan and other Apple upgrades you get 60 days of free Tech Support form Apple. I made sure to contact them more then twice to fix my Mac. I never had a issue with ol' Yosemite. I agree that Apple does take away more things with each upgrade. You do realize that there have been more Patches this last year for iPads which I own 2 and for the Mac then ever before. Apple was telling Mac users to upgrade to El Capitan for security reasons. I fell for it. But you have to keep with the times just like Microsoft upgrades from XP were very hard to adjust to.
Anyways I guess by adding more Ram to this Mac did stop the pretty new spinning circles that came with the El I guess my Mac doesn't have to run as hard?;)
Yes do that research and let me know how it goes.
Happy Holidays!
