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how can I tell if WSA is properly connected to the cloud?

how can I tell if it is actually using cloud protection, or is just relying on downloaded virus definitions?

  • Retired Webrooter
  • January 14, 2016
It's always connected, so if your computer is online then Webroot is talking to our cloud. Rather than relying on updates, Webroot is in continuous communication with our database to give you up to the second accuracy.

  • Popular Voice
  • January 14, 2016
I understand that it is supposed to work that way.
but I have had problems in the past with the AV being unable to properly sync with the cloud.
So I want to know how I can verify that everything is in fact working the way it should.

  • Moderator
  • January 14, 2016
Hello shmu26,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
Please look on the Online Account Console and you will see information there.
Look here
Hope this helps you understand more?

  • Popular Voice
  • January 14, 2016
I would like to be able to access the web console but it doesn't work with LastPass (which remembers the code but not the password) and I made two requests for a password reset but your system doesn't send it to my email.
no, it is not in the spam.

  • Moderator
  • January 14, 2016
Hi there!
Not sure what the issue with your Account Console, Have you tried a different browser?
Have a look here where ? explains Last Pass.  (message 5)
If you are indeed having issues then my best advice would be to submit a Support Ticket which is free of charge with an active Webroot subscription. They will gladly assist with this.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • January 14, 2016
Sorry, I got pulled away to a meeting - thanks for jumping in and taking over on this one!

  • Popular Voice
  • January 14, 2016
okay, I got that issue sorted out and I am in the web console but it doesn't recognize my PC. It says 0 PCs protected.

  • Moderator
  • January 14, 2016
Did you add the Keycode to the Online Console? Try this below..
 Add the new key code to your Console.  While the new key code is activated on the computers, it has not been assigned to an Online Console, so let's do that first.
  • Log into the Conole
  • At the upper right, click your email address
  • Select Manage Key Code from the drop down
  • Click the Add New Key Code button.  I suggest, to make things easier, that you do not check the option to create a new Console... that might complicate things farther down the road.
  • Enter your new key code and add it to the Console
You MIGHT need to run another full scan on each computer that has the new key code on it in order for it to be picked up and displayed on the Console now that it has been added.  NOTE: There can be a 15 to 20 minute delay for the PC's to appear.  Just be patient and get a nice cold drink of water.... when you get back the PC's might be listed
If you need further assistance you can Submit a Support Ticket free of charge with an active Webroot Subscription.

  • Moderator
  • January 14, 2016
@ wrote:
Sorry, I got pulled away to a meeting - thanks for jumping in and taking over on this one!
Sure thing I try!  Your welcome!:D

  • Popular Voice
  • January 15, 2016
it says that the key code is already in use.
that makes a lot of sense to me, because I in fact registered WSA with that key code.
So I conclude that my PC does not appear in the console because it is not connecting properly to the cloud.
I have uninstalled WSA.
