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Got a tiiiiny little problem: Webroot doesn't like this Website...

Have Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete running. And most times things are fine.
But coming over to this Community Forum.. Webroot is suddenly acting like a pitbull on steroids.
Pages are slow to load, if they load at all. All I get to see is Firefox reporting in the lower-left corner: "Transfering Data..." and nothing else.
Most times the page will sit with the Hourglass running (in Firefox 31).
Refreshing does nothing. Only thing that actually stops this from failing is Turning OFF the Web-Shield.
Naturally the WR program balks and goes Yellow (!) and everything, but I can finally read this Webroot Site and everyone's Posts again.
Anyone else?

Best answer by Baldrick

Hi Soundjudgment
Some further thoughts for you as I am about to clock off for the day (I live in the UK and it is past the witching hour here...;))
The Web Shield should not be slowing down your browsing, if anything it should increase performance. So, if yo are minded yo could try a clean uninstall/reinstall of SecureAnywhere.  You can use this link to download a new copy of the installer (assuming you did not purchase from Best Buy).  Then uninstall, reboot, install with the new installer (making sure that you do not import any previous settings if offered the option, and then reboot.
If that does not seem to help then please make sure that FF is not being blocked within the Identity Shield.  To check click on  Identity & Privacy, then click on View/Edit Protected Applications, locate the FF.exe and change this to Protect/Allow, if not already set to that.  But given that it seems to be the Webroot site then this is most likely not in play...but always worth checkingthe basics
Finally, if none of that helps then you are going to need you to Open a Support Ticket in for the Support Team to to properly address the issue in this case.  This will most likely require some basic log gathering so they can see what's going on in terms of interaction with other software.
Anyway, I that something above is of assistance if not then come back here and if I am not about then I am sure another of the Community members can pick up and try to assist.
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  • Moderator
  • 21867 replies
  • July 14, 2014
@ wrote:
Have Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete running. And most times things are fine.
But coming over to this Community Forum.. Webroot is suddenly acting like a pitbull on steroids.
Pages are slow to load, if they load at all. All I get to see is Firefox reporting in the lower-left corner: "Transfering Data..." and nothing else.
Most times the page will sit with the Hourglass running (in Firefox 31).
Refreshing does nothing. Only thing that actually stops this from failing is Turning OFF the Web-Shield.
Naturally the WR program balks and goes Yellow (!) and everything, but I can finally read this Webroot Site and everyone's Posts again.
Anyone else?
Welcome @ to the Community Forum!!
Just a few things to ask is... we know add ons can slow a browser down and do you have the lates update to Firefox and have you cleared up your History and caches?And possibly resetting Firefox to default.
Lets see if anyone is available for suggestions..:D

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • July 14, 2014
Hi Soundjudgment
What you are are describing only happens when you come to the Community Forums...and with no other sites you visit?
Also, has this always happened since you have been using WSA or just recently...say after an update to a new version, or the like?

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 14 replies
  • July 14, 2014
Heh. Funny you should ask that because there is one other Forum-site that this exact problem with Webroot happens on, and it's ahem.. that other AV product that starts with the letters.. "No.."  Heh. And I believe it is because they use the same Web-forum software this particular Site uses.
Something about this site with all its myriad of extra 'Banners' Icons, Smilies, Advertisements, plus other graphic-elements and scroll-bars that doesn't seem to sit well with the Webroot Client here. And yes, this is not happing at all with the other general websites we travel to. They all pop-up near-instantly.
As a test, I re-enabled the Web Filter and naturally it went all GREEN again with the checkmark, but refreshing the web-page immediately slowed it all down again, stating, "Transferring Data From..." And that's where it stops printing text, so I can't even see what site is causing the hangup. It could be an element on this 'Community Page' that doesn't agree with the world's tiniest and best Internet Security program. :D
Well, we'll have to leave the Web Filter on OFF for now when visiting here. Strange, but the Posts must get through! :p

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  • Answer
  • July 14, 2014
Hi Soundjudgment
Some further thoughts for you as I am about to clock off for the day (I live in the UK and it is past the witching hour here...;))
The Web Shield should not be slowing down your browsing, if anything it should increase performance. So, if yo are minded yo could try a clean uninstall/reinstall of SecureAnywhere.  You can use this link to download a new copy of the installer (assuming you did not purchase from Best Buy).  Then uninstall, reboot, install with the new installer (making sure that you do not import any previous settings if offered the option, and then reboot.
If that does not seem to help then please make sure that FF is not being blocked within the Identity Shield.  To check click on  Identity & Privacy, then click on View/Edit Protected Applications, locate the FF.exe and change this to Protect/Allow, if not already set to that.  But given that it seems to be the Webroot site then this is most likely not in play...but always worth checkingthe basics
Finally, if none of that helps then you are going to need you to Open a Support Ticket in for the Support Team to to properly address the issue in this case.  This will most likely require some basic log gathering so they can see what's going on in terms of interaction with other software.
Anyway, I that something above is of assistance if not then come back here and if I am not about then I am sure another of the Community members can pick up and try to assist.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 14 replies
  • July 14, 2014
Will do, and if that happens to take care of the problem with my using Webroot and going to these forums, we'll report that right back!

Take care.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 14 replies
  • July 15, 2014
It seems as if we have a winner with your offered suggestion.
Cleared out the OLD copy of Webroot SAC and downloaded a new, fresh copy. Even got the 4.104 version of the Client by doing so! And now we've re-installed it and at this time... don't have any pages pausing on this Website when loading up the various postings here.
Way to go! Webroot (and its fine Community) comes through again! 😃

  • Moderator
  • 21867 replies
  • July 15, 2014
Great Soundjudgement, I'm ecstatic that @ could help you and thing are running like they should!

Remember to come back and join us we are happy to have you here and also for reporting back with this so that it helps others!


Gold VIP
@ wrote:
It seems as if we have a winner with your offered suggestion.
Cleared out the OLD copy of Webroot SAC and downloaded a new, fresh copy. Even got the 4.104 version of the Client by doing so! And now we've re-installed it and at this time... don't have any pages pausing on this Website when loading up the various postings here.
Way to go! Webroot (and its fine Community) comes through again! :D
Great to hear in most cases a clean reinstall solves allot of issues and also Welcome to the Webroot Community! :D
Daniel 😉

  • Community Leader
  • 841 replies
  • July 15, 2014
Welcome to the community @ !
Great to have you here!

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • July 15, 2014
Hi Soundjudgment
Glad to hear that you are sorted, and thanks for taking the trouble to come back here and let us know what worked for you, etc.  It really does help us as a group to know this so that we can aply this fedback to helping other users in the future who may have the same or similar problems.
Hope to see you around?

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 14 replies
  • July 16, 2014
Ooooh, yes. And I would be around more if they ever get their 2015 SCA Betas out the door to the public's hands. Heh. 😛
