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Webroot securanywhere complete blocking windows updates

  • September 4, 2014
  • 1 reply

I installed webroot secureanywhwere complete a few months ago and ever since I have had problems with firefox and windows.  I cannot download pdfs or updates using firefox, yet it I can still do these things in IE.  Also, windows updates have failed since I installed webroot and CCleaner no longer works or will update.  I'm not exremely savvy with these situations so I need help explained in fairly simple terms.  I have tried uninstalling firefox and reinstalling it.  It reinstalls back to the version I had and still won't update and cannot download pdf's.

1 reply

  • Moderator
  • 21857 replies
  • September 4, 2014
@ wrote:
I installed webroot secureanywhwere complete a few months ago and ever since I have had problems with firefox and windows.  I cannot download pdfs or updates using firefox, yet it I can still do these things in IE.  Also, windows updates have failed since I installed webroot and CCleaner no longer works or will update.  I'm not exremely savvy with these situations so I need help explained in fairly simple terms.  I have tried uninstalling firefox and reinstalling it.  It reinstalls back to the version I had and still won't update and cannot download pdf's.
Welcome to the Webroot Forum gone_fishing!:D  Lets go a step at a time...
1. Firefox version is 32.0 In the left upper corner of FF cllck About.
a. Go to FF menu on the right upper hand corner and you'll see this..
b. Click Perferences


2, For Adobe Reader go here  for the latest version and don't check any add ons with this install
Can I ask what problems are you having with WSAC?
What Windows PC are you running?
Are you saying you cannot get any updates?
Please get back to us so that we can help you get all sorted. OK/ We have alot of knowlegable Volunteers ready to assist.
Maybe TripleHelix can intercede?;)
