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Senior needs to know how to put "new" webroot security on pc. Do I just change on console?

  • December 26, 2014
  • 5 replies

Had pc repaired and purchased "new" Webroot Advanced Security.  (I have one on that will expire in Feb.) Do I just change the numbers at the console?  I am really confused right now.  I initially thought they put it on for me but I am getting reminders  to "install" it.  I asked if I needed any thing else and was told that Webroot does a great job on its own.  Also a friend recommends that I use CCleaner and that it wouldn't interefere with Webroot.  I have 3 devices and would the phone and tablet use a different installation process than the desktop?  Please excuse me if I am posting in the wrong place. Thank you so much for your help.

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  • December 27, 2014
Hi notpcwise
A Yuletide Welcome to the Community Forums.
Wow...a lot of lets try to decompose them and provide answers:
1. You are in the right place.
2. Do I just change the numbers at the console?  
    To apply the new key you just enter it in the Activation Code field on the panel displayed when you cllick on the cog/gear      symbol to the right of 'My Account' tab on the main panel of the app.
     But there are a number of considerations that you should bear in mind before doing this (am assuming that you are
     using the Webroot rather than Best Buy version at this point):
      a. If you enter the new keycode whilst there is time left on the current one then the new license starts being consumed
           and the old one continues as well even if not actually entered on a PC.  So if yo want to keep what you have left in
           terms of your current license let it run down before entering the new one OR contact the Support Desk by Opening a
           Support Ticket to ask them to transfer the time from the new code to the old.  This only works if both codes are for the
           same version of WSA.
       b. If you are running either the Internet Security Plus or Complete versions of WSA, and use the Password Manager
           (and in Complete the Backup & Sync feature) and enter the new code please be advised that you will not be able to
            access the data that you had access to under the old keycode, as the data is linked to keycode.  In this case you will
            need to do the same as in a. above, i.e., contact the Support Desk and ask them to transfer the data from one          
            keycode to another.
       The keycode should be automatically registered to your console assuming that you have associated the same email
        address to it as the previous one but sometimes one does have to go to the Web Console and register the keycode
        manually.  I personally have never had to.
3. I asked if I needed any thing else and was told that Webroot does a great job on its own.  
    I personally do not think that one needs anything else for normal protection but there is no issue with installing additional
    security apps...with a couple of exceptions WSA will play well with them as it is designed from the ground up to do so.
    You could if yo want find yourself a good freeeware security application and use that as a second opinion and for
    periodic scans if that makes you feel more secure, a lot of people do including me.
4. Also a friend recommends that I use CCleaner and that it wouldn't interefere with Webroot. 
     You friend is correct...a number of us here use CCleaner to back up and complement the built in System Optimizer (for
     the Complete version).
5. I have 3 devices and would the phone and tablet use a different installation process than the desktop?
    The phones 'Yes' and also the tablet, if it is not a Windows tablet.  If it is then you can install WSA as you would on a
     laptop/desktop...same installer.  For the phone & non Window tablet please refer to this KB article to help you make sure
     that you download the right version.
     And please also note that each phone and/or mobile device count as the use of one seat of your license.
Well. I hope that helps in some way?  If you have further queries please do come back and post them here, and we will try to answer them for you.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • December 29, 2014
Thank you so much Baldrick!!  While I am stilll absolutely enthralled with this new technology (to show you my frame of reference, when my family fnally got a tv set ... I was the remote control ;))  I am  kind of afraid of messing things up so I have printed your response and also printed the article on which Android version to download.   I am going to read all of this information carefully and then "take the plunge".  Again thank you so very much for taking the time to help me out and also for the thoroughness of your answers.  Now if I can find my way back here, I will absolutely let you know how it went.  :D

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  • December 29, 2014
Hi notpcwise
You are most welcome...and thank you for taking the trouble to come back here to provide is always welcome and appreciated.
I would very much recommend that you 'take the plunge' as should you by any chance get into a pickle all you need to do is to click on@Advanced Settings' in the top righ hand corner of the main panel and then look in the bootom left hand corner of the new panel displayed. There you will see a 'Reset to Defaults'; just click on that, enter the CAPTCHA characters requested (and that are displayed for you to key in), hit 'OK' and you should be back as was out of the box...and might I add that the out of the box settings are pretty much what most of us here, give or take one of two minor adjustments, tend to go with.
Also, if you do get lost and cannot find the page again just navigate to, and at the bottom of the page displayed click on 'For Home' under the 'Community' heading, and that should get you to the Community Home page.
As I stated belfore please feel free to come here with any further questions you may have...there should always be a member or two avaialble to try to help out.
A peaceful & Prosperous New Year to you & yours, Baldrick 

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  • December 30, 2014
Hi Baldrick, because of your clear direction I did indeed find my way back and am as pleased as I can be to have done so!   Thank you for the information about the Advanced Settings, it does help me feel a little less nervous about messing something up, knowing now that I can set it right.  You probably have no idea how helpful you have been .... trust me when I say a lot!!!  I also wish you & yours a wonderful New Year!! :D

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  • December 30, 2014
Hi notpcwise
Glad to see you back...and I hope that it will be the first of many visits...:D
Again, thank you for the feedback, and for your kind words.  The assistance provide is no more than what any other of the Community members would provide...we all try to do what help & assistance we can based on what we know and who is around at the time the question is asked/the issue raised.
That is why we are IMHO one of the best Communities on the Web...and I have been a member of quite a few in my time. ;)
Do take a look at the other forums, enjoy, have fun, learn if you want, contribute if you can...the more the merrier.
Take care, Baldrick
