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why do I not get a code when trying to add Webroot to my iphone

  • June 6, 2016
  • 1 reply

how do i get a invitation code for my iphone when trying to add webroot.  I have webroot on my computer

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • June 6, 2016
Hi pattyjs
Welcome to theCommunity Forums.
Unless you meant to install the Business version then please uninstall the Webroot software that you have on your iPhone; that version does requires an invitation code.
In terms of the Consumer or Home version, at this time, there is not an antivirus option available for Apple iOS devices, due to how Apple manages the apps available in their App Store. This may change in the future but at this time is is extremely hard/almost impossible to infect an iPad.
If so, it's important to know that your iOS device will not show up under "mobile protection" in your account, regardless of what version of Webroot you have. SecureWeb and SecureSync are Webroot apps for iOS devices, but they are not anti-virus applications and thus will not appear in the mobile anti-virus portion of the account area.
Webroot does offer two apps you can download from the App Store to backup your files and protect your internet browsing, called SecureWeb and Backup & Sync.
You can find either of them by searching for "Webroot" in the App Store on your Apple iOS device. For more information on both of these products please use the following the following links for information on Webroot SecureWeb and/or on Webroot Backup & Sync (for SecureAnywhere Complete subscriptions only).

If you have any follow up questions please post back.
Regards, Baldrick
